Marienkirche (Ilsenburg)

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Marienkirche Ilsenburg, portal front and tower
Southeast view
inner space

The Marienkirche is the Protestant parish church of Ilsenburg in the Harz district in Saxony-Anhalt . It goes back to the founding of the neighboring Benedictine Abbey of Ilsenburg in the 12th century. The current exterior is largely from the late 19th century.


A document of the monastery of 1131 states: ecclesia hospitalis in honorem sanctae dei genitricis consecrata - "the hospital church in honor of the Holy Mother of God ordained ". This sick or pilgrim church incorporated into the monastery also served very early as a church for the monastery servants and the emerging village settlement. Initially, the conventuals of the monastery and later secular priests acted as pastors . Ilsenburg is first documented as a parish in 1480. With the introduction of the Reformation in the county of Wernigerode , the monastery and parish church became Lutheran in the 1530s .

In the 1870s, the church was renovated in the neo-Romanesque style using parts of the old structure. The church hall was a representative porch added. The high bell tower was built in 1879. The designs came from Carl Frühling (1839–1912). After the Second World War , the masonry inside was exposed.


The furnishings include a medieval crucifixus , a picture window Annunciation to Maria from 1499, a baroque baptismal angel , a neo-Gothic apse window The Risen Christ and a portrait of the superintendent and song poet Heinrich Georg Neuss († 1716).

The font bears the inscription

Qui crediderit et baptizatus fuerit salvus erit · Anno Domini 1551 · Theodericus Abbas
“Those who believe and are baptized will be saved. In the year of the Lord 1551. Abbot Theodericus ”.

Above the northern exit is as spoils a Doppeltympanon with floral inserted ornaments that perhaps comes from the Orient.


  • Gustav Sommer: Descriptive representation of the older architectural and art monuments of the Wernigerode district . Halle / Saale 1883, pp. 60–61

Web links

Commons : Marienkirche (Ilsenburg)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files


  1. glass portal
  2. Mk 16.16  EU
  3. Dietrich Meppis, 1546-1560

Coordinates: 51 ° 51 ′ 41.6 ″  N , 10 ° 40 ′ 46 ″  E