Mario Ajmone Cat

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Mario Ajmone Cat (born February 5, 1894 in Salerno , † March 20, 1952 in Rome ) was a general in the Italian Air Force .

Military career

From 1907 Ajmone Cat attended a military school in Rome , from 1911 the military academy in Turin , then the artillery school . As a Sottotenente he initially served in the 9th Field Artillery Regiment in Parma . In March 1915 he began pilot training, after which he took part in the First World War with various squadrons . After founding the Italian Air Force, he joined the new armed forces and served with the 19th reconnaissance wing. In 1929 he was appointed Colonnello commander of the 2nd squadron , then the 7th Bomber Squadron. After a staff assignment, he was appointed head of the Air Force General Staff Academy from 1934 to 1940 (with a brief interruption due to the war in Italian East Africa ) .

On June 28, 1940, Ajmone Cat became the commanding general of the 3rd Air Corps in Rome , and from February 1941 on he commanded the 5th Air Corps ( 5ª squadra aerea ) in Libya . In this role, he directed the operations of all Italian air force units during the Africa campaign . After differences of opinion with German and Italian command posts, he was transferred to Rome, where he took over the management of the Air Force's training department. After the armistice of September 8, 1943, Ajmone Cat temporarily retired from active service. On November 13, 1944, the new Italian government appointed him Chief of Staff of the Italian Air Force fighting on the Allied side . General Ajmone Cat remained at the helm of the Italian Air Force until February 5, 1951, and played a key role in its reconstruction.

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