Markus Frick

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Markus Frick (born August 24, 1972 in Sinsheim ) is a German stock market speculator , stock market letter and stock market book author.


Frick is a trained baker . According to his own statements, he was already interested in the stock market as a teenager . In his first book I make you rich , published in 2001, he described how he wanted to have made one million DM within a year from investment capital of 100,000 DM through skillful stock speculation . He later published other books as well as DVDs and audio CDs on financial topics. Its popularity throughout Germany began with the boom on the Neuer Markt and the resulting media presence. In the summer of 2001 he had an appearance on Stefan Raab's show TV total .

Frick organized seminars and workshops on the subject of stock trading and was the author and editor of several stock market letters ( Markus-Frick-Email-Hotline , Markus-Frick-Inside , Frick-Trading , MoneyMoney ). Since 2005, his so-called “10,000 euro investment” has attracted particular attention. This was a model portfolio in which he tried to increase tenfold the (fictitious) capital he had originally invested within a calendar year. Since June 2007, however, he tried not to reduce the remaining capital any further. From 2006 moderated to June 2007 Frick at the private television station N24 the weekly market Magazine Make Money - The Markus Frick show that strong "call-in formats" was based on the US, especially on Mad Money by Jim Cramer on CNBC .

At the beginning of July 2007 the responsible partnership Finance Communications (owner: Markus Frick) was replaced by Finanzdialog Verlag GmbH (managing director: Roland Sadowi) according to the imprint of Frick's internet homepage . From a legal point of view, it was no longer possible to conclude contracts directly with Markus Frick. However, Frick was liable with his private assets for previously concluded contracts.

According to his own information, over 200,000 people have attended his stock market seminars so far.

On his homepage Frick announced the start of his new TV show Money Money for 2008 . Since no TV station could be found for this, Money Money was only accessible on the Internet, e. B. on YouTube and on According to his own statements, Frick exceeded the former quotas of the prematurely discontinued N24 broadcast.

Since 2009 Frick Money Money has moderated together with Jan Pahl. It was particularly noticeable that in his new projects such as B. the name Markus Frick could not be found on the entire website. In addition, the public presentation within the media published by Frick was carried out by Jan Pahl. A PID Plata Informations Dienst GmbH (formerly ISP Finanz GmbH) based in Berlin was named as the responsible operator. In addition to a weekly TV broadcast on the Internet, a DVD entitled “This is how you too can find 1,000% shares” was offered for sale.


On June 16, 2007, N24 removed the stock market magazine Make Money from its program. The federal supervisory authority BaFin checked whether Frick had made illegal price manipulation with his email newsletter. Frick was accused of having "pushed up" worthless shares in order to receive commission from the companies concerned. After some of the shares recommended by Frick had fallen by 80 to 90 percent in price within a few days in June 2007, the speculative losses of subscribers to his stock market letters were estimated at a three-digit million amount in euros.

The Berlin public prosecutor's office investigated Frick because he “could have manipulated stock market prices in a criminal way” and thus committed a violation of the Securities Trading Act (WpHG). At the beginning of October 2007, the Berlin public prosecutor's office searched various private and business premises of Markus Frick as part of the investigation.

In August 2008, a previous subscriber obtained a court decision to secure his claim for damages. In addition, the Berlin public prosecutor's office is investigating Frick on charges of criminal market manipulation (Ref .: 3 Wi Js 1665/07). In the decision of the Berlin Regional Court of May 20, 2008 (Az .: 514 AR 1/07) it said: "... the accused benefited significantly from his rate fraud through his own sales, which would not be necessary to fulfill the criminal offense, ie, he pursued “his own purposes” with the course fraud in the sense of the aforementioned case law of the BGH. ... The findings of the preliminary investigation so far, namely the BaFin reports, the money laundering suspicion report and the information provided by the witness ... result in a high level of suspicion that tends to be assessed as urgent. "

In the course of the investigation, around € 80,000,000 has already been seized. This should concern the sales proceeds achieved. Frick denied this.

Frick lodged a constitutional complaint against the execution of the decision of the Berlin Regional Court to grant the requested file inspection for the injured party (Az .: 514 AR 1/07). The execution was therefore initially suspended by a decision of the Federal Constitutional Court of June 2, 2008 until a decision on the constitutional complaint was made - for a maximum of six months (interim order 2 BvR 1043/08).

With a decision of December 4, 2008, the Federal Constitutional Court decided that Frick's constitutional complaint against the possibility of inspecting the files would not be accepted for decision (2 BvR 1043/08). The decision is final and the files now seemed to be unrestrictedly possible for the injured party.

However, in a later decision on February 15, 2010, the LG Berlin expressly decided against the right of the injured party to inspect files. Investors are not injured in proceedings for violating § 20a WpHG within the meaning of § 406e StPO. This interpretation is also compatible with the decision of the Federal Constitutional Court (BVerfG).

Markus Frick was arrested in January 2013 on suspicion of renewed market manipulation and commercial fraud.


The Berlin public prosecutor brought charges against the former N24 stock exchange advisor Markus Frick on suspicion of criminal market manipulation on the stock market. Frick, who confessed, is said to have recommended shares traded on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange in 49 cases in his e-mails distributed by e-mail between September 2005 and June 2007 and to have pursued his own economic interests, said the spokesman for the Berlin public prosecutor's office, Martin Steltner, on August 19, 2009. According to the findings of the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin), the accused's recommendations would have led to considerable price increases or stabilizations. In the majority of cases, Frick is said to have taken advantage of the price increases caused by his recommendations by selling the securities he held on a large scale.

According to the public prosecutor's office, in 23 cases the acts were based on “international stock market machinations” based on the so-called pump-and-dump model, which refer to the companies “Star Energy Corp.”, “StarGold Mines Inc.” and "Russoil Corp." related.

Via accounts of several Panama-based companies at well-known banks in Switzerland, two separately persecuted men brought worthless shares into the open market of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. As a result of the recommendations, the stock exchange prices of the companies had risen to peak values ​​before they fell to almost zero within a very short time from mid-2007.

According to the public prosecutor's office, surveys by BaFin have shown that more than 20,000 investors have acquired shares in the three companies for a total of over 760 million euros. Many small investors in particular would have suffered a total loss as a result of the subsequent “rapid drop in prices”. After the allegations became known, N24 discontinued the Fricks program in June 2007.

As the public prosecutor explained, however, more than 80 million euros could be secured in accounts and custody accounts.

In a stock market letter from May to April 2012, Frick is said to have recommended three stocks in order to drive their price up in a targeted manner. In the proceedings before the Frankfurt Regional Court, Frick admitted a violation of the Securities Trading Act. The prosecutor brought charges of fraud and requested two years and three months in prison.


In February 2008, Frick was sentenced in the first instance by the Heidelberg Regional Court (Az .: 2 O 261/07) to pay damages to a subscriber to his hotline. The verdict was the first; numerous proceedings were still pending at the time .

Frick appealed against the judgment of the LG Heidelberg to the OLG Karlsruhe (Az. 10 U 29/08). Frick justified the appointment u. a. with the fact that "the plaintiff consciously realized the losses in order to be able to bring a suit against the defendant in an effective manner."

In April 2011, the Berlin Regional Court sentenced Frick to a fine in the tens of millions for criminal market manipulation. According to the court order, Frick has to pay 420,000 euros from his private assets to the state treasury; 42 million euros are said to flow from a foundation obviously attributed to Frick, in which Frick has blocks of shares. In addition, he was sentenced to a suspended sentence of 1 year and 9 months. According to the conviction of the court between September 2005 and June 2007, in 49 indicted cases, he recommended shares for purchase in his stock market letters, which he himself owned, but concealed his own economic interest from his readers.

The Frankfurt Regional Court sentenced him to two years and seven months in prison in February 2014 for deliberately manipulating stock prices. The court saw it as proven that he influenced the prices of three small caps in 2012 with the help of targeted recommendations and received money from backers who sold their shares at inflated prices. In November 2013, Frick admitted that he had received 1.9 million euros in cash in return for recommending a paper.



  • Markus Frick: I'll make you rich. The man who makes millionaires . Econ, Munich 2001, ISBN 3-430-12946-X .
  • Markus Frick: The money is on the street. The 30-day program for more success and profit . Econ, Munich 2002, ISBN 3-430-12944-3 .
  • Markus Frick: This is how money makes you happy . Econ, Berlin 2004, ISBN 3-430-12943-5 .

Electronic media

  • Markus Frick: How to find the course rockets !!! All you need to know about buying and selling stocks . Finance Communications, Sinsheim 2003 (2 audio CDs)
  • Markus Frick: How to turn € 5,000 into € 50,000 . Finance Communications, Sinsheim 2005 (DVD)
  • Markus Frick: The way to your depot rockets . Finance Communications, Sinsheim 2006 (2 audio CDs)
  • Markus Frick: The surefire strategy! The secret of my 10,000 euro investment . Finance Communications, Sinsheim 2006 (DVD)
  • Markus Frick: The prospects for 2008 . Finanzdialog Verlag GmbH, Berlin 2007 (DVD)
  • Markus Frick: EUR 10,000 investment: you have to pay attention to that! . Finance Communications, 2007 (1 audio CD)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The "Markus Frick" case
  2. Aktien-Blog August 17, 2006 ( Memento from September 16, 2006 in the Internet Archive ) (via Internet Archive ), see also: Aktien-Blog defends itself against a warning from Markus Frick , July 7, 2009.
  3. Trader's Quest August 10, 2006, Mad Make Money
  4. Investor receives compensation ( Memento from May 23, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) (via Internet Archive)
  5. Press release published by Markus Frick,
  6. Broadcaster discontinues show after stock scandal . In: Süddeutsche Zeitung . June 18, 2007, ISSN  0174-4917 , p. 17 : "On Saturday, N24 took the weekly program" Make Money - The Markus Frick Show "from its program, as the broadcaster announced on its homepage."
  7. N24: Out for “Markus Frick Show”. (No longer available online.) In: Zeit Online . June 19, 2007, archived from the original on June 26, 2007 ; accessed on November 10, 2018 .
  8. Star Energy, StarGold, Russoil - All bad things are 3:
  9. Bettina Seidl: Loss of millions with Frick tips. (No longer available online.) In: . June 15, 2007, archived from the original on July 18, 2007 ; accessed on November 10, 2018 .
  10. Stefan Kaiser and Henrik Mortensiefer: Windy tips from the baker Frick. Published: June 16, 2007
  11. Thomas Öchsner: Searches - stock market guru Frick in the sights of the investigators. Süddeutsche Zeitung , October 10, 2007, accessed on October 3, 2010 .
  12. ^ Spiegel Online : Raid at Aktientippgeber Frick , October 11, 2007, found on October 11, 2007
  13. - press release August 8, 2008 ( Memento of August 16, 2008 in the Internet Archive ) (via Internet Archive)
  14. - LG Berlin 514 AR 1/07 from May 20, 2008
  15. of August 14, 2008 - The Frick case: 80 million frozen ( Memento of August 19, 2008 in the Internet Archive )
  16. of September 2, 2008 - The scandal surrounding the stock market guru Markus Frick is drawing circles ( memento of September 5, 2008 in the Internet Archive )
  17. Federal Constitutional Court on December 4, 2008 enables file inspection
  18. ^ Decision of the LG Berlin from February 15, 2010 guiding principle
  19. Stock exchange guru Markus Frick in custody in: Berliner Kurier from January 21, 2013
  20. TV stock market expert Markus Frick arrested manager magazin online on January 20, 2013
  21. ↑ Self- interest - charges against stock exchange advisor Frick
  22. ^ Public prosecutor indicts Markus Frick ( Memento from August 21, 2009 in the Internet Archive )
  23. Markus Frick is silent on allegations of fraud. In: October 24, 2013, accessed February 21, 2014 .
  24. ^ Frick case: price manipulation admitted. In: February 17, 2014, accessed February 21, 2014 .
  25. ^ LG Heidelberg judgment of February 5, 2008, 2 O 261/07 - complete brief of the judgment
  26. Hotline subscribers can hope - Frick has to compensate damage - from February 6, 2008
  27. ^ LG Heidelberg judgment of February 5, 2008, 2 O 261/07
  28. Handelsblatt of April 14, 2011: "Good faith tool" Markus Frick does not have to be in custody
  29. Spiegel Online: TV stock market guru gets away with suspended sentence
  30. Manipulation of share prices: Ex-stock market guru Frick has to go to jail. In: Spiegel Online . February 25, 2014, accessed June 10, 2018 .