Markus Würdinger

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Markus Würdinger (* 1977 in Ingolstadt ) is a German legal scholar .


After graduating from high school in 1996 at Reuchlin-Gymnasium and military service in 1996/1997 in Roth and Oberstimm , receiving a best price, he studied law at the University of Regensburg from 1997 to 2002 as a scholarship holder of the Free State of Bavaria. In 2002 he passed the first state examination in law. From 2003 to 2005 he was a trainee lawyer in the Munich Higher Regional Court and freelance work in a major international law firm. In 2005 he passed the second state examination in law. After receiving his doctorate in 2004 ( Dr. jur. ) Summa cum laude on a subject in real estate brokerage law with Herbert Roth as a scholarship holder of the Free State of Bavaria, he was Academic Councilor in Regensburg with Peter Gottwald from 2006 to 2010 . After completing his habilitation in 2010 (Dr. jur. Habil.) With a paper on insolvency contestation in cashless payment transactions and a lecture on the clarification of facts in individual foreclosure (first reviewer: Peter Gottwald ; second reviewer : Wolfgang Servatius ) - venia legendi : civil law, German and European civil procedural law , International Private Law and Legal Methodology, he represented chairs and lectureships at the Universities of Regensburg, Augsburg and Konstanz from 2010 to 2012 . From 2012 to 2019 he taught as a university professor at the Saarland University in Saarbrücken; Holder of the Chair for Civil Law, European and International Private Law and Civil Procedure Law (W3); Chairman of the Equivalency Committee (2012–2014), spokesman for the legal department (2014–2016) and deputy member of the Senate (2016–2019). Since 2019 he has been a university professor at the University of Passau ; Holder of the Chair for Civil Law and Civil Procedure Law (W3).

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