Martin Hoffmann (sculptor)

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Martin Hoffmann (mentioned in Basel 1507–1530 / 1531) was a German carver , sculptor and carpenter.


Martin Hoffmann, from Stollberg (Erzgebirge / Saxony), acquired the citizenship of Basel in 1507 and at the same time the guild rights of the local spinning weather guild . He was a member of the guild board from 1524–1529 and was caretaker from 1529/1530. In 1526, together with the sculptor Hans Dobel , he asked the council for permission to work as a carpenter due to a lack of commissions as a sculptor .


In 1514 Hoffmann created the Maria Magdalena altar for the stone monastery in Basel and in 1530 a warrior figure for the Fischmarktbrunnen (both not preserved). Two busts of the prophets created in 1521 for the Great Council Chamber (today in the Government Council Chamber) have been preserved, but not four shields created for the same location.

Numerous other works are ascribed to him, including the Issenheim Madonna in the Louvre and a crucified Christ from the Church of Courrendlin (today in the Basel Historical Museum ).


Alongside Martin Lebzelter and Jos and Dominicus Gundersheimer (father and son), Martin Hoffmann was one of the leading sculptors in Basel in the early 16th century.


  • CH Baer: The art monuments of the Canton of Basel-Stadt I. History and cityscape. Fortifications. Area and Rhine bridge; City Hall and State Archives (= Swiss Art Monuments. Volume 3). Edited by the Society for Swiss Art History GSK. Bern 1932.
  • Carl Brun (Red.): Swiss Artist Lexicon. Vol. 2.
  • Robert B. Christ and Peter Heman: Magic of the Basler Brunnen, Basel 1967, No. 8.
  • Emil Erdin: The Convent of the Reuerinnen Sancta Maria Magdalena at the Steinen in Basel from the beginnings to the Reformation (approx. 1230–1529). Freiburg i. Ue. 1956.
  • Sophie Guillot de Suduiraut: Sculptures allemandes de la fin du Moyen Age, dans les collections publiques françaises 1400–1530. Exhibition catalog Louvre. Paris 1991, No. 26, pp. 119-123.
  • Sophie Guillot de Suduiraut: Nouvelles attributions au sculpteur Martin Hoffmann et son entourage bâlois. In: La Revue du Louvre et des Musées de France, 1998, pp. 46–56.
  • Stefan Hess , Wolfgang Loescher : Furniture in Basel. Art and craft of the carpenters until 1798. Basel 2012, ISBN 978-3-85616-545-1 .
  • Annie Kaufmann-Hagenbach: The Basel sculpture of the fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries. ( Basel Studies in Art History , Volume 10). Verlag Birkhäuser, Basel 1952.
  • Paul Koelner : History of the spinning weather guild in Basel and their crafts. Basel 1931 (reprint 1970).
  • François Maurer: The art monuments of the canton of Basel-Stadt. Vol. 5. Birkhäuser, Basel 1966 (= The Art Monuments of Switzerland 52).
  • Hans Rott : Sources and research on southwest German and Swiss art history in the XV. and XVI. Century . III. The Upper Rhine. Sources II (Switzerland) . Strecker and Schröder, Stuttgart 1936.
  • Lukas Wüthrich: An altar of the former St. Maria Magdalena monastery in Basel - interpretation of the employment contract from 1518 and attempted reconstruction. In: Journal for Swiss Archeology and Art History. 35 (1978), H. 2, pp. 108-119. Digitized

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The Sevogelbrunnen on the website , accessed on January 4, 2016.
  2. ^ Franz-Josef Sladeczek : Lebzelter, Martin. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland .