Martin Zoschke

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Martin Zoschke

Martin Zoschke (born December 27, 1926 in Gasoline , Stolp District , Pomerania ; † February 24, 2020 ) was a German crop scientist . As the successor to Eduard von Boguslawski , he taught at the Justus Liebig University in Giessen from 1975 to 1995 .

Life path

Martin Zoschke, son of a farmer, attended Stephan-Oberrealschule in Stolp (Pomerania) and completed an agricultural apprenticeship in Saxony-Anhalt from 1945 to 1946. From 1947 he studied agriculture at the Martin Luther University in Halle-Wittenberg . After the diploma exam (1950) he got a job at the Institute for Arable and Plant Production at the University of Halle and worked as a scientific assistant to Theodor Roemer (until his retirement in 1951) and then until 1958 as a senior assistant to Gustav Könnecke ; with him he received his doctorate in 1955 with the dissertation " Studies on the effect of synthetic growth substance herbicides on crops and weed flora ".

From 1958 Zoschke worked as a scientific assistant at the Institute for Plant Cultivation and Plant Breeding at the University of Göttingen . Under the aegis of Arnold Scheibe , he worked on morphine formation in poppy seeds ( Papaver somniferum L. ) and above all on the protein quality of barley. In 1970 he completed his habilitation with the thesis " Nitrogen nutrition and protein formation in feed barley ". In 1975 he followed a call to the University of Giessen , where he took over the chair for general and special plant cultivation as the successor to Eduard von Boguslawski at the Institute for Plant Cultivation and Plant Breeding. He taught and researched here until his retirement in 1995. His successor is Bernd Honermeier .

Research services

In Giessen, studies on allelopathy effects in agricultural crops, experiments on the nutrition and resistance of spelled and triticale varieties as well as causal analysis experiments on crop rotation effects were among his plant cultivation work priorities. He sustainably promoted the research activities of the "Center for Continental Agricultural and Economic Research of Eastern Europe" located at the University of Giessen. Together with scientists from Eastern European countries and a. with Stanislaw Klimek he has edited several publications: Results of German-Romanian agricultural research (1986), field bean research in Poland (1988), lupine research in Poland (1990) and triticale research in the Soviet Union (1994).

The Agricultural and Veterinary University of Iași (Romania) awarded him an honorary doctorate in 1995 and the Szent István University in Gödöllö (Hungary) in 1998 the honorary diploma “Pro Universitate” for his services to agricultural science in Eastern Europe .

Zoschke has repeatedly stimulated discussions about the goals and tasks of his specialist field as well as the structural internal structure of the Society for Plant Production Sciences . He regards crop production primarily as an ecologically oriented discipline; consequently, he coined the term “cultivated plant ecology” for this subject.

From 1991 to 1993 Zoschke was the first chairman of the "Society for Crop Science". During his term of office he succeeded in establishing a “working group for the history of science of crop production” within this specialist society. In the years from 1976 to 1993 Zoschke was one of the co-editors of the " Zeitschrift für Acker- und Pflanzenbau ".

Books and writings (selection)

  • Mineral nutrition and morphine formation in Papaver somniferum L. In: Zeitschrift für Acker- und Pflanzenbau Vol. 116, 1962/63, pp. 317–326.
  • Nitrogen nutrition and protein formation in feed barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Vessel and field trials with summer and winter annual barley genotypes . Habilitation thesis Agricultural Faculty University of Göttingen 1970. At the same time: Verlag Paul Parey Berlin and Hamburg 1973 = progress in arable and crop production, issue 2.
  • Carbohydrates and Protein Synthesis . Edited by BJ Miflin and M. Zoschke. Commission of the European Communities, Brussels / Luxembourg 1978.
  • Crop rotation and organic fertilization with a view to reducing environmental pollution . In: Results of agricultural research at the University of Gießen, issue 17, 1985, pp. 43-52.
  • Results of German-Romanian agricultural research . Published by Martin Zoschke on behalf of the Partnership College. Duncker & Humblot Publishing House , Berlin 1986.
  • with Stanislaw Klimek : Recent results from field bean research in Poland . Duncker and Humblot publishing house, Berlin 1988, ISBN 3-428-06358-9 .
  • with Stanislaw Klimek, Hildegard Fliess: New results from lupine research in Poland . Duncker and Humblot publishing house, Berlin 1990, ISBN 978-3-428-06988-0 .
  • Crop production - crop rotation . In: Changing Plant Production. New Aspects in Agricultural Sciences . Edited by G. Haug, G. Schuhmann and G. Fischbeck. VCH Verlagsgesellschaft Weinheim 1990, pp. 251-274; 2nd edition there 1992.
  • Plant varieties and environmentally friendly cultivation measures . In: Results of agricultural research at the University of Giessen, issue 21, 1993, pp. 57–72.
  • Investigations into growth, resistance and yield formation of winter triticale varieties . In: Lucräri Stiintifice Vol. 36, 1993, pp. 19-28.
  • State of triticale research in the Soviet Union (CIS) . By Galina Pospelowa and Martin Zoschke. With the assistance of Hildegard Fliess. Publishing house Duncker and Humblot Berlin 1994.
  • A life for crop science. Festschrift for Eduard von Boguslawski on his 90th birthday on December 30, 1995 . Edited by Wolfgang Böhm and Martin Zoschke. Publishing house Adelheid Böhm, Göttingen 1995.


  • Kürschner's German Scholars Calendar 2007. Bio-bibliographical directory of contemporary German-speaking scientists . 21st edition, KG Saur Verlag, Munich 2007, Volume III, p. 4186.
  • H. Knittel: Martin Zoschke . In: Society for Crop Science. Festschrift for the 50th anniversary. Published by Harry Knittel on behalf of the Board of Directors. Englram & Partner, Haßloch 2007, pp. 54–55 (with picture).
  • Gerber, Theophil: Personalities from agriculture and forestry, horticulture and veterinary medicine - Biographisches Lexikon. NORA Berlin, 4th ext. Ed., 2014, p. 893.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Martin Zoschke's obituaries | Retrieved on May 10, 2020 (German).