Massimo de Mattia

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Massimo de Mattia (* 1959 in Pordenone ) is an Italian jazz and improvisation flutist and composer .

Live and act

De Mattia, who comes from Friuli , plays a variety of flutes, including the piccolo and bass flute . He began to play the flute and to compose himself; In the 1970s he started his career as a musician with Lanfranco Malaguti , Bruno Cesselli , Umberto Trombetta Gandhi , Gianluigi Trovesi and Ares Tavolazzi . He had lessons from saxophonist Tom Kirk in the 1980s . In 1993 he presented his debut album Poesie pour Pasolini on Splasc (H) Records. During this time he worked a. a. also with Gianluigi Trovesi, Giovanni Maier and Giorgio Pacorig . The critic of Allmusic compared his "Jazz Oratorio" Schiele , written in 2003, with the radicalism of the early John Zorn .

Discographic notes

  • Poesie pour Pasolini (1993), with Glauco Venier, Giovanni Maier
  • The Silent Drama (Splasc (H), 1995)
  • Maier, Ghirardini, Pacorig, de Mattia + Gianluigi Trovesi - Masut (Nota, 1995)
  • Viaggio al termine delle notte (Setola Di Maiale, 2003)
  • Schiele (Splasc (H), 2003)
  • Massimo De Mattia / Ermes Ghirardini / Giovanni Maier - Cityloops (Palomar Records, 2004)
  • Pulp (2006)
  • Duel (Denis Biason / Massimo de Mattia) - Duel 2 ( Setola di Maiale , 2010)
  • Atto Di Dolore (2010)
  • Mikiri + 3 (2011)
  • Massimo De Mattia / Giovanni Maier / Zlatko Kaučič - The Jazz Hram Suite (Palomar Records, 2011)
  • Black Novel (Rudi Records, 2012)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Pulp ( Memento from July 9, 2012 in the web archive )
  2. ^ Review of the album Black Novel (2012) ( memento from June 18, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) at All About Jazz
  3. Schiele Allmusic Review