Matthias Gretz

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Matthias Gretz (* around 1480 in Haunstetten , † 1543 in Munich ; also Mathias Kretz ) was a German Catholic theologian , philosopher and poet .


Gretz learned the Hebrew and Greek languages early on . He studied theology in Vienna and Tübingen from 1504 to 1512. Mathias Gretz taught the beautiful sciences in Polling from 1513 to 1516 and in 1518 he became a bachelor and master of theology. At the University of Ingolstadt , where he had studied after working in Polling, he became a teacher of philosophy ; there he also obtained a doctorate in philosophy. In 1519 Gretz was called to Augsburg as a preacher , after which he took on such a position in Munich. There he was appointed dean in 1533 and died in 1543. Gretz was a member of the Society of Scholars . Gretz was appointed to the Augsburg Reichstag in 1530 by Duke Wilhelm IV .


  • Ain sermon, containing quite a few sayings of the scriptures from the fegfewr (Augsburg 1524)
  • Ain sermon of the peicht whether she commanded God (Augsburg 1524)
  • From the Mesz and whoever is the right priest, has the Mass (Augsburg 1524)
  • Brevis et plana sacratissimae missae elucidatio (Augsburg 1535)
  • A sermon from the Turckenzug (Landshut 1533)
