Matthias Huss

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Matthias Huss (also French Mathieu Husz , * around 1455 in Bottwar ; † not before 1507, probably in Lyon ) was an early book printer in Lyon.


Huss came from Bottwar near Marbach in Württemberg . He enrolled at the University of Basel in the winter semester of 1473/74 . Evidence of the acquisition of an academic degree is not required. But Huss learned the art of printing there. In Lyon, he may in the first Offizin his brother (?) Martin worked. Subsequent proof of his own printing activity from 1482 onwards.

By marrying a daughter of the fishmonger André Daveins, Huss acquired Lyon citizenship . The tax lists list him since 1485 and 1495-1499 Huss is referred to as "Marchand allemand" (German merchant) . In addition to theological and legal textbooks, he mainly printed French entertainment and edification literature . His last print dates from 1501. Huss is documented in 1507 in Lyon.

His activity was varied and extensive. Nevertheless, Huss often got into financial difficulties. His business partners were Petrus Hungarus (Pierre Hongre) and Johann Schabeler (also called Wattenschnee ). The latter, like Huss, came from Bottwar and also studied in Basel in 1473/74. Jaques Buyer and Ludovicus de Venetia were financiers and publishers of Huss.

Huss used 21 different types and his printer's mark comes in six forms. While he initially used types in the Upper Rhine style, he later adapted them to the requirements of the local and international book market. In its time, Lyon was, alongside Venice , the leading city for book printing and trading. His works are very richly illustrated. In addition to his own printing blocks, which he commissioned, Huss also took over a number of other printers, for example from Bernhard Richel from Basel and Guillaume Le Roy from Lyon.

Works printed by Matthias Huss (selection)

  • Mirouer de la rédemption humaine (Speculum humanae salvationis). 1482 (three further editions).
  • Jacobus de Voragine : La Légende dorée . 1483.
  • Jacques Millet (Jacques de Milet): Histoire de la destruction de Troye la grande . 1500/01.


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Individual evidence

  1. See NDB.
  2. GW M11235
  3. Jacques Miller (NDB) is incorrect.