Maurice Solway

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Maurice Solway (* 1906 in Toronto ; † 2001 ) was a Canadian violinist, music teacher and composer.

Solway took first violin lessons from his father and then took private lessons from Harry Adaskin . He later studied at the Academy of Music with Luigi von Kunits and from 1921 at the Hambourg Conservatory in Toronto with Henri Czaplinsky and Géza de Kresz . He began his musical career with the New Symphony Orchestra (later Toronto Symphony Orchestra ). At the same time he worked as a silent film companion in the 1920s. From 1926 to 1928 he studied with Eugène Ysaÿe in Brussels , where he met many of his students, including Nathan Milstein , William Primrose , Viola Mitchell , Robert Velton and Joseph Gingold .

After his return, Solway gave concerts in Canada, but after a hand injury in 1929 worked primarily as an orchestral musician. From 1933 to 1952 he was a member of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra . He has also performed with jazz musicians such as the Jolly Bachelor's Orchestra , Oscar Peterson , Jerome Kern and Percy Faith . As a chamber musician he played in a trio with Simeon Joyce and Charles Mathe and founded the Solway String Quartet in 1947 , to which Marcus Adeney , Nathan Green and Jack Groob belonged and with which, over the years, Murray Adaskin , Robert Warburton , Charles Dobias , Berul Sugerman , Ivan Romanoff and Joseph Pach performed. The ensemble performed with the CBC until 1968 and toured through the small towns of Ontario with the support of the Ontario Board of Education to see works by contemporary Canadian composers such as Jean Coulthard , James Gayfer , Ernest MacMillan , John Weinzweig , Louis Applebaum , Howard Cable , Leo Smith and Healey Willan and gave a 1952 Pops Concert at Hart House . The quartet played the world premiere of Coulthard's First String Quartet, the first complete radio performance of Ernest MacMillan's String Quartet in C minor and with Andrés Segovia the Canadian world premiere of Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco guitar quintet.

In 1973, Solway worked on the film The Violin by George Pastic and Andrew Walsh , for which he also composed the score and which was nominated for an Oscar in 1975 . Following this success, he also made guest appearances on the Sharon, Lois & Bram's Elephant Show (with Sharon Hampson , Lois Lilienstein and Bram Morrison ). In 1984, Recollections of a violinist appeared , and in 1989 Solway published the textbook Fiddling for Fun: the Visual and Aural Art of Violin Playing . As a composer, he emerged with around 100 works for solo violin or violin and piano.
