Max Degenhart

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Max Degenhart (born April 14, 1910 in Munich ; † May 1, 1974 ibid) was a German lawyer and specialist book author. He was one of the editors of the Palandt from the 27th to the 34th edition .

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After studying law and doing a doctorate in Erlangen , Degenhart joined the Bavarian judicial service, where he initially worked at the Augsburg District Court . He was a soldier in World War II, most recently as a first lieutenant on the Eastern Front. After denazification he returned in 1951 back into the judicial service and became the Munich I Regional Court , the Higher Regional Court of Munich and the Bavarian Supreme Court , where he acted as President of the Senate in May 1972 in retirement.

Degenhart became known to the legal public as a commentator on the property law provisions of the BGB in Palandt's legal commentary (27th – 34th edition) and as a commentator in the commentary on the code of civil procedure published by Richard Zöller .

The Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich appointed Degenhart an honorary professor in 1967.

His son Christoph Degenhart is a German heads of state and administrative law . In 1991 he was appointed to the University of Leipzig . He is the director of the Institute for Broadcasting Law.
