Max Verworn

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Max Verworn

Max Richard Constantin Verworn (born November 4, 1863 in Berlin , † November 23, 1921 in Bonn ) was a German physiologist .

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Max Verworn began studying zoology and medicine in 1884 at the University of Berlin a . a. with Franz Eilhard Schulze , Emil Du Bois-Reymond and Rudolf Virchow , where he received his doctorate in zoology in 1887. He then studied medicine at the University of Jena, a. a. with William Preyer , Wilhelm Biedermann and Ernst Haeckel , in 1889 he was promoted to Dr. med. PhD. During his studies he became a member of the Germania Jena fraternity .

He stayed as an assistant at the University of Jena and became an associate professor of physiology there in 1895, in 1901 he went to the University of Göttingen as a full professor and in 1910 to the University of Bonn .

Verworn dealt with the mobile cells and the physiology of unicellular living things. The function of nerve cells was also the subject of Verworn's research. He also dealt with prehistoric archeology and, together with Gustav Steinmann and Robert Bonnet, published several publications on the double grave of Oberkassel .

He created the journal for general physiology in 1902 and edited Pflüger's archive for the entire physiology from 1910 to 1918 .

He was also interested in numismatics and owned a coin collection that was auctioned off at Adolph E. Cahn in Frankfurt after his death .


Fonts (selection)

  • Psychophysiological protist studies . 1889.
  • The movement of living substance . 1892.
  • General Physiology . 1895.
  • The biogen hypothesis . 1903.
  • The Mechanics of Spiritual Life . 1907.
  • The question of the limits of knowledge . 1908 .
  • Causal and conditional worldview . Jena 1912; 1928.
  • with Robert Bonnet, Gustav Steinmann: The diluvial human find from Obercassel near Bonn . Wiesbaden 1919.


  • Max Verworn . In: Theodor Westrin, Ruben Gustafsson Berg, Eugen Fahlstedt (eds.): Nordisk familjebok konversationslexikon och realencyklopedi . 2nd Edition. tape 32 : Werth – Väderkvarn . Nordisk familjeboks förlag, Stockholm 1921, Sp. 10 (Swedish, ).
  • Raimund Wüllenweber: The physiologist Max Verworn . University of Bonn, Med. Diss. 1968.
  • Hans-Jürg Kuhn: Max Verworn, 1863–1921. In: Göttingen scholars: the Academy of Sciences in Göttingen in portraits and appreciations 1751–2001. Wallstein, Göttingen 2001, ISBN 3-89244-485-4 , Volume 1, pp. 308-309.

Web links

Commons : Max Verworn  - Collection of images, videos and audio files


  1. ^ Directory of the old men of the German fraternity. Überlingen am Bodensee 1920, p. 141.
  2. ^ Collection of a Rhenish scholar. Important series of barbaric coins and German medieval coins, especially bracteates in selected specimens. Auction: Monday, December 18, 1922 and the following days . Catalog 49. Adolph E. Cahn, Frankfurt am Main 1922 ( digitized version ).
  3. Max Verworn. In: List of members Leopoldina.