Maximilian Burlage

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Maximilian Burlage (born July 31, 1896 in Jever , † 1935 in Berlin) was a German lawyer , administrative officer and politician ( center ).


After attending the König-Albert-Gymnasium in August 1914, the son of the Reich judge , Eduard Burlage , volunteered. In September of the same year he was posted to the Western Front and wounded there. At the end of 1916 he was taken prisoner as a deputy sergeant, from which he returned at the end of 1919. He then began studying law at the universities in Halle and Leipzig , which he completed in 1923 with the first state examination in law. Since his studies he has been a member of the Catholic student association KDSt.V. Burgundia Leipzig . He joined in 1924 as a government clerk in the Prussian civil service, was 1926 the second state examination and received his doctorate in the same year at the University of Leipzig to the doctor of law . He then worked as a government assessor at the district office in Nauen until 1927 . From August 1927 to December 1932 he worked as a civil servant at the Prussian Ministry of Agriculture, Domains and Forests . He then moved to the government in Cologne as a senior councilor .

Burlage, who had joined the Center Party, was a member of the Prussian Landtag from March to October 1933 . He then resigned from the state parliament (as a critic of the Nazi regime) and worked as a lawyer for IG Farben.


  • Ernst Kienast (Ed.): Handbook for the Prussian Landtag , edition for the 5th electoral period, Berlin 1933, p. 314.

Individual evidence

  1. Michael Hübers: The history of the König-Albert-Gymnasium in Leipzig. A contribution to the history of the Saxon higher education system , Leipzig 1957, p. 136