Melchior Zeidler

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Melchior Zeidler, engraving by Johann Christoph Boecklin

Melchior Zeidler (born February 16, 1630 in Königsberg (Prussia) , † December 10, 1686 ibid) was a German philosopher and Lutheran theologian.


Zeidler enrolled at the University of Wittenberg on August 21, 1647 and continued his studies at the University of Jena , where he obtained the academic degree of a master's degree in philosophy and from 1656 participated in disputations at the university as president. In 1658 he was appointed professor of logic and metaphysics at the Albertus University in Königsberg , where he became second court preacher. In 1663 he took over the second full professorship in theology in Königsberg and received his doctorate in theology on July 18, 1675. In 1681 he was given the post of pastor at the Königsberg Cathedral and at the same time he was an assessor at the Samland consistory.

Zeidler dealt a lot with peripatetic philosophy and church rhetoric. With Christian Dreier he was one of the theologians who represented the syncretism of Georg Calixt in Königsberg as a representative of Aristotelianism . He wrote a Rhetorica ecclesiastica in which he recommended the analytical method of Aristotle's writings , which became known throughout Germany as the Zeidler method. With his Aristotle studies based on the sources, he re-inspired the Königsberg tradition of Aristotle reception and with his research worked far beyond Königsberg. He also participated in the organizational tasks of the university and was prorector of the Albertina in the winter semesters 1664/65, 1668/69, 1672/73, 1676/77, 1680/81 and 1684/85 .


  • Rhetorica ecclesiastica, ad methodum oratoriae civilis. Koenigsberg 1672
  • Analysis posterior, sive de variis sciendi generibus et mediis eo perveniendi libri tres methodo scientifica ad mentem Aristotelis et Graecorum eius interpretum conscripti. Koenigsberg 1676
  • Prodromus introductioni in lesson Aristotelis praemissus. Koenigsberg 1680
  • Introductio in lectionem Aristotelis, causas aperiens obscuritatis in hoc philosopho, quoad verba pariter ac res necnon modum ambo tractandi et remedia eius circa singula ista suggerens. Koenigsberg 1681
  • Introductio in lectionem Arisiotelis, causas aperiens obscuritatis in hoc philosopho, quoad verba pariter ac res nec non modum ambo tractandi et remedia eius circa singular ista suggerens. Koenigsberg 1682
  • De genuino Veterum docendi modo, exoterico et acroamatico sive, quod idem est, dialectico et accuratiore analytico. Koenigsberg 1685
  • Keddius refutatus or exam of the examinis on the Lutheran religion P. Jodoci Kedd , a Jesuit, in which he avoids to have disputed the Lutheran religion and church with irresistible reasons and to have mastered it, but their nullity has been shown in the following scripture. Koenigsberg 1686
  • Lutherus defensus di refutation of the little book, which bears the title of a wrongly named Johannis Angeli Praedicanten occupation etc. Königsberg 1687
  • Refutatio Tubae pacis he Detersio suspicionis, qua ipsum apud suos, quasi Papatui faveret, aspergere sibi volupe duxit Matthaeus Praetorius. Helmstedt 1688
  • Notae et animadversiones in Scrutatorem veritatis. Helmstedt 1689
  • Tractatus de polygamia et disquisitio de matrimonio cum sorore uxoris defunctae. 1690
  • Homiliae selectae in duas partes divisae. Pars I in Evangelia dominicarum. Pars II in Evangelia festorum. Opus posthumum etc. Königsberg 1702


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