Jodocus Kedd

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Jodocus Kedd (born March 1, 1597 in Emmerich ; † March 27, 1657 in Vienna ) was a German Jesuit and controversial theologian .


He came from the German-Dutch border area and spoke and wrote both Dutch and Standard German . After joining the order in 1617, he taught ancient languages ​​and literature as well as logic at various Jesuit schools . He later devoted himself entirely to Catholic missions in the Calvinist and Lutheran territories and to anti-Protestant polemics. In 1632 and 1635 he was commissioned by the order in Denmark , and in the late 1640s he was in Aachen . 1649–1652 he worked in the multi-denominational Friedrichstadt in the Duchy of Schleswig . In 1652 he was sent to Prague to help with the re-Catholicization of Bohemia and the neighboring Habsburg countries .

Kedd published almost 70 smaller and larger writings, often in the context of literary and theological debates on defense and counterattack. Until 1650 he wrote mainly in Dutch - many of these works were published in Roermond  - and then exclusively in German. He was one of the most famous controversial theologians of his time and participated in numerous conversions , including those of Angelus Silesius , Ernst von Hessen-Rheinfels and Gustav Adolf von Nassau-Idstein . Among his Lutheran opponents were the Schleswig general superintendent Johann Reinboth during his time in Friedrichstadt and the Stuttgart consistorial councilor Melchior Nicolai during the Regensburg Reichstag 1653–1654. His main work is the three-volume Heliopolis or Sonnen -statt Vnsers Heylandt and Blessed Jesus Christ, which is the only true beatific general H. Kirch (Cologne 1649-1650), with which he Friedrich III. of Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf hoped to convert.


  • Franz von KronesKedd, Jodok . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 15, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1882, p. 518.
  • Augustin de Backer: Bibliothèque des écrivains de la Compagnie de Jésus, ou Notices bibliographiques . Liège / Paris 1869–1876, Col. 412–420 (short biography and bibliography)
  • Paul Begheyn: Jesuit Books in the Dutch Republic and its Generality Lands 1567–1773 . Leiden / Boston 2014, pp. 38–39

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Individual evidence

  1. DDB ; Place of death according to De Backer
  2. Begheyn p. 39
  3. Guillaume van Gemert: The Dutch holdings in the Sulzbach court library . In: Morgen-Glantz 19/2009, pp. 49-50