Johann Reinboth

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Johann Reinboth (born February 14, 1609 in Altenburg , † July 27, 1673 in Schleswig ) was a German Evangelical Lutheran clergyman and general superintendent of Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf .


Johann Reinboth was a son of the Altenburg councilor Cornad Reinboth. He studied Protestant theology at the Universities of Leipzig and Jena . In Jena he received his master's degree on February 3, 1630 . In 1633 he went to the University of Rostock for further studies and in 1634 to the University of Copenhagen . He then went on a study trip that took him to the Netherlands and England . Then he returned to Copenhagen.

In May 1636 he was elected chief pastor at the Nikolaikirche in Flensburg . King Christian IV also appointed him provost of the provost of Flensburg. In 1639 he became the castle preacher and provost in Hadersleben .

In 1643 the king appointed him theological professorship at Sorø Akademi ; Reinboth, however, refused this call.

In 1645 Duke Friedrich III appointed him . from Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf to senior court preacher at Gottorf Castle , combined with the office of general superintendent for the Gottorf ( ducal ) portion of the duchies of Schleswig and Holstein as well as the office of provost for the provosts of Gottorf and Husum . In the same year, on July 29, 1645, he was selected by the Rostock theological faculty to Dr. theol. PhD.

In his administration he was theologically mild. But he opposed the acceptance of Socinians in Friedrichstadt and the work of the Jesuit Jodocus Kedd . However , he initially let the mystic Antoinette Bourignon do it.

At the inauguration of the University of Kiel, founded by the Gottorf Duke Christian Albrecht , on October 3, 1664, he gave the solemn sermon on Weish 6.27  LUT in the Nikolaikirche in Kiel . Your print version, which appeared in Schleswig in 1665, comprises 50 printed pages.


  • Dispositiones textuum poenitentialium ex Hosea. 1645
  • Commentarii in Hoseam pars prior in capita quarta prima. Schleswig 1655
  • Detailed evidence / that of the Jesuit Theod. Bercken or iodine. Kedden's sun place / which he opposed the churches / Augspurgischer Confession / Utopian in H. Schrifft / and in the holy fathers agreement in the first 400 years / On the other hand the church of the Augspurgischen Confession in God's word and unanimous consensus of the H. Fathers be founded. 3 volumes Schleswig 1652–1658
  • Inauguration sermon / As The Most Revered / Serene Prince and Lord / Mr. Christian Albrecht / Bishop of Lübeck / Heir to Norway / Hertzog to Schleßwig and Holstein / the Stormarn and Dithmarschen / Graffe to Oldenburg and Delmenhorst / [et] c. in the city of Kiel The University had inauguration / held and ... put in print by Johanne Reinboth / SS Theol. Doctore General Superintendents and Preachers of Honor. Schleswig: Holwein 1665 ( digitized version )
  • Detailed teaching of the church regiment. Schleswig 1667


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Entry in the Rostock matriculation portal
  2. Entry of the doctorate in the Rostock matriculation portal
predecessor Office successor
Jacob Fabricius (the younger) General Superintendent for Holstein Share and Schleswig ducal share
Sebastian Niemann