Michael Bautz

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Michael Max Josef Bautz (born April 2, 1940 in Wroclaw ; † September 2, 2017 ) was Vicar General of the Dresden-Meißen diocese from 2007 to 2013 and diocesan administrator there from February 21, 2012 to March 16, 2013 .


Michael Bautz grew up in Dresden after being expelled from his Silesian homeland. First he learned the profession of technical draftsman. He then studied theology and received 1967 in Dresden , the ordination . Then he was initially a chaplain in Karl-Marx-Stadt and later in Leipzig .

Michael Bautz's grave, Cathedral Chapter Old Catholic Cemetery (Dresden)

After his chaplaincy, he was sub-rain of the Erfurt seminary until 1980 . Then he became a hospital chaplain in the Catholic hospital St. Joseph-Stift in Dresden. From 1991 he was parish priest of the Sacred Heart congregation in Dresden-Johannstadt . In 1997 Bautz went to the Dominican Republic as a missionary for a year and then to the Pinar del Río diocese in Cuba . He worked in San Luis and Mantua. He returned to his home diocese in 2006 and again worked as a hospital chaplain for the St. Joseph Foundation in Dresden.

Bishop Joachim Reinelt appointed him on May 3, 2007 vicar general of the diocese of Dresden-Meißen and thus the successor of Konrad Zdarsa , who was led by Pope Benedict XVI. shortly before was appointed Bishop of Görlitz . He took up his position as vicar general on July 2, 2007. On January 4th, 2009 he was appointed to the cathedral chapter of St. Petri in Dresden; At the age of 75 on April 2, 2015, he had offered Bishop Koch his resignation from office.

On February 21, 2012, the Cathedral Chapter of St. Petri in Dresden elected him for the time of the by Pope Benedict XVI. accepted resignation request of the previous bishop, Joachim Reinelt, entered vacancy as diocesan administrator of the diocese of Dresden-Meißen.

On November 12, 2013, Bishop Heiner Koch announced that Bautz would hand over his office to Andreas Kutschke on January 6, 2014 . He then took over pastoral care for the retired chaplains of the diocese. On September 1, 2017, he retired for health reasons, but died one day later.


  • 2008: Federal Cross of Merit 1st Class of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany
  • Several prizes for the reconstruction of the ruined church of San Luis, Cuba

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Cathedral Chapter em. Michael Bautz (77) passed away. Diocese of Dresden-Meißen , September 4, 2017, accessed on September 4, 2017 .
  2. ^ Diocese of Dresden-Meißen: Pastor Andreas Kutschke appointed vicar general
  3. a b Federal Order of Merit in the State Chancellery awarded on sachsen-fernsehen.de from July 15, 2008