Mikhail Adolfowitsch Miller

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Michail Adolfowitsch Miller ( Russian Михаил Адольфович Миллер ; born May 3, 1924 in Nizhny Novgorod ; † September 18, 2004 ibid) was a Russian physicist and university professor .


Miller began studying at the Gorkier Polytechnic Institute. During the German-Soviet War he was drafted into the Red Army in 1942. In 1943 he was discharged from the army for health reasons, whereupon he continued his studies. In 1945 he switched to the radiation physics faculty at the University of Gorki, which had just been founded . where he studied the electrodynamics of antennas and high-voltage lines with ML Lewin and MA Leontowitsch . After graduating in 1949, he worked for two years as an engineer in radio technology companies in Gorky.

In 1950 Miller began the aspirantur at the University of Gorki with MT Grechowa (for the doctorate to the candidate of the physical-mathematical sciences ) and worked in the Physikalisch-Technische Forschungsinstitut (GIFTI), in which he became laboratory manager in 1953. He investigated the impedance of active denial systems and pioneered the theory of surface waves in delay structures .

At the Gorkier Radiation Physics Institute (NIRFI) founded by Grechowa in 1956 , Miller headed the electrodynamics department. With his investigation of the movement of charged particles in high-frequency electromagnetic fields , he received his doctorate in physical-mathematical sciences in 1960 . His group made significant contributions to radiation physics and plasma physics . Together with AW Gaponow-Grechow he developed the concept of ponderomotor forces . Miller's group developed the theory of self-focusing radiation in media with nonlinearities, especially in plasmas.

In 1977 Miller moved to the new Institute for Applied Physics (IPF) of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (AN-SSSR) and headed the plasma physics department, where he continued his studies of the electrodynamics of plasmas.

In addition to his research activities, Miller taught at the radiation physics faculty at Gorki University (until 1995). 1957-1960 he headed the chair for electrodynamics. In 1962 he was appointed professor. His students included WI Talanow and AG Litwak .


Individual evidence

  1. А. А. Андронов, Б. М. Болотовский, А. В. Гапонов-Грехов, В. Б. Гильденбург, Л. С. Долин, В. В. Железняков, В. А. Зверев, И. Г. Кондратьев, А. Г. Литвак, Е. В. Суворов, В. И. Таланов: Памяти Михаила Адольфовича Миллера . In: Успехи физических наук . tape 175 , 2005, pp. 219-220 .
  2. a b c d e IPF: Михаил Адольфович Миллер (accessed on May 22, 2017).
  3. Gildenburg VB, Kondrat'ev IG, Miller MA: Diffraction of electromagnetic waves by plasma structures. In: Electromagnetic Wave Theory . Pergamon Press, Oxford 1967, pp. 1025-1028 .
  4. Почетные профессора Университета (accessed May 22, 2017).