Michel Van den Bergh

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Michel Van den Bergh (born July 25, 1960 ) is a Belgian mathematician who studies algebra .

Michel Van den Bergh, Oberwolfach 2010

Van den Bergh received his PhD in 1985 from the University of Antwerp with Freddy Van Oystaeyen (Algebraic elements in finite dimensional division algebras). As a post-doctoral student he was at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology , where he was a Moore instructor in 1987/88. From 1982 he conducted research for the Belgian National Science Foundation (FWO), from 1989 as Senior Researcher and from 1993 as Research Director, and was an assistant at the University of Antwerp. In 1991/92 he was at IHES and from 1992 to 1995 professor at the University of Strasbourg (Université Louis Pasteur). Since 1994 he has been teaching part-time at the Free University of Brussels in addition to his work as Research Director of the FWO and also teaches at the University of Hasselt .

He is known for research into non-commutative algebraic geometry, an area in which his supervisor Van Oystaeyen was one of the pioneers.

In 1995 and 1998 he was visiting professor at MIT, 2000 visiting scholar at MSRI and 2003/4 at the Mittag-Leffler Institute .

In 2003 he received the Francqui Prize . In 1994 he was invited speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Zurich (Modules of covariants).


  • with L. Le Bruyn, F. Van Oystaeyen: Graded orders , Birkhäuser 1988
  • with Idun riding : Two-dimensional tame and maximal orders of finite representation type , Memoirs American Mathematical Society, Volume 80, 1989
  • with IM Musson: Invariants under tori of rings of differential operators and related topics , Memoirs Amer. Math. Soc. 136, 1998 * Blowing up of non-commutative smooth surfaces , Memoirs American Mathematical Society, Volume 154, 2001
  • with Michael Artin Twisted homogeneous coordinate rings , Journal of Algebra, 133, 1990, pp. 249-271
  • with Michael Artin , John T. Tate Modules over regular algebras of dimension 3 , Inventiones Mathematicae, Volume 106, 1991, pp. 335-388.
  • Cohen-Macaulayness of modules of covariants , Inventiones Mathematicae, Volume 106, 1991, pp. 389-409
  • with Michael Artin, John T. Tate Some algebras associated to automorphisms of elliptic curves , in: The Grothendieck Festschrift, Volume 1, Birkhäuser 1990, pp. 33–85
  • with John T. Tate Homological properties of Sklyanin algebras , Invent. Math. 124, 1996, 619-647
  • with Alexei Bondal : Generators and representability of functors in commutative and noncommutative geometry , Moscow Mathematical Journal, Volume 3, 2003, 1–36
  • Non-commutative crepant resolutions , in: Olav Laudal, Ragni Piene (Ed.) The Legacy of Niels Hendrik Abel , Springer, 2002, pp. 749–770
  • Three-dimensional flops and noncommutative rings , Duke Math. J. 122, 2004, 423-455.
  • with Idun riding Noetherian hereditary abelian categories satisfying Serre duality , Journal American Mathematical Society, 15, 2002, 295–366
  • with Toby Stafford Noncommutative curves and noncommutative surfaces , Bulletin Amer. Math. Soc., Vol. 38, 2001, pp. 171-216
  • with D. Calaque, CA Rossi Caldararu's conjecture and Tsygan's formality , Annals of Mathematics, 176, 2012, 865–923

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Michel Van den Bergh in the Mathematics Genealogy Project (English)Template: MathGenealogyProject / Maintenance / id used