Miki N'Doye

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Miki N'Doye (2017)

Momodou "Miki" N'Doye (born March 12, 1944 in Bathurst (now Banjul ), Gambia) is a Gambian percussionist who lives in Norway.

Live and act

N'Doye played music for tourists in his home country in the mid-1970s. In 1976 he came to Norway for the first time, where Erik and Jon Balke , Helge Linaae, Sveinung Hovensjø and Finn Sletten worked with him in the band E'olen until the early 1980s. Then he formed the Gambian Norwegian Friendship Orchestra . With some of the musicians and Per Jørgensen he also founded the group Tamma , which appeared at Moldejazz in 1984 together with Ed Blackwell and Don Cherry and presented an album of the same name from this concert. Later, the trio was Sabba with Helge Linaae and the kora player Demba Jobathe.

In 2002 he presented his debut album under his own name with Joko ; Tuki followed in 2006 .

Discographic notes

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. biography (jazzbasen)
  2. Product information (ACT)