Murder on the Grand Canal

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German title Murder on the Grand Canal
Original title Voir Vénise… et crever
Country of production France , Germany , Italy
original language English , French
Publishing year 1964
length 88 minutes
Age rating FSK 16
Director André Versini
script Jacques Robert
André Versini
production Robert Woog
Hugo Benedek
music Alain Goraguer
camera Michel Bouyer
André Germain
cut Henri Taverna
Alain Taverna

Mord am Canale Grande is a Franco-German-Italian espionage film from 1963 by André Versini with Sean Flynn , Karin Baal and Hannes Messemer in the leading roles. The film is based on the crime novel "Venetian Mission" (1954) by James Hadley Chase .


Michel Nemours, the son of a Frenchman who has since died and an American, lives as a member of the upper class into the day; The handsome sports car driver doesn't have to worry about money. He owns a pretty town house with his own servant. One day he receives a visit from a certain Marie Trégard, the wife of a friend of his father's. Her husband Paul, who works for the French secret service, has disappeared in Venice without a trace. Madame Trégard asks Michel to help her find him. So it is a good thing that Michel wanted to travel to Venice, where he owns an elegant city palace, anyway. Colonel Vallier, the brawny head of the French secret service, points out to Michel that Trégard is probably a traitor and warns him to investigate on his own. But Nemours has tasted blood and is determined to find out the truth. This decision should prove to be far-reaching, because from now on he is no longer safe for a moment.

Michel is persecuted and threatened in all his ways and his path through Venice is paved with corpses. However, one of these dead gives him important clues to pick up a new lead. When Michel seems too close to the truth, he is knocked out by his invisible opponents. Suddenly the married couple Carl and Maria Natzka appear, but they appear no less mysterious and questionable than all the other guys that Michel has met in the lagoon city so far. Maria lures the Franco-American into a trap, from which Michel escapes. Then suddenly she changes sides and it turns out that her husband Carl is the criminal puller behind all the events in Venice. Through Maria, Michel learns that the missing Paul Trégard has changed sides and has brought secret French documents with him that had been suppressed for his new employer as a “gift of love”. At the last moment, under Natzka's eyes, Michel Trégard was able to steal the papers again. The traitor dies, the line puller Natzka is arrested by the police, and Michel travels home by plane with Maria as his new lover at his side.

Production notes

Shot on location in Venice in 1963 , Murder on the Grand Canal was shown in French cinemas on February 26, 1964, and in German cinemas on April 24 of the same year.

In the novel by James Hadley Chase, the hero is called Don Micklem. The following novel with Don Micklem was filmed shortly afterwards as a waiting room to the afterlife with Götz George .


In the lexicon of international films it says: "Confused and erratic spy film."

Individual evidence

  1. The German title is wrongly chosen, it should read "Mord am Canal Grande"
  2. Murder on the Grand Canal. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed June 1, 2020 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used 

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