Name of Jesus festival

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The veneration of the most holy name of Jesus, oil painting by Juan de las Roelas, ca.1604

The Name of Jesus Festival , also the festival of the most holy name of Jesus , on January 3rd is a men's festival in the Christmas festival circle of the Roman Catholic liturgy. The day of remembrance was granted to the Franciscan Order by Pope Clement VII in 1530 , which was particularly concerned with promoting the worship of the name of Jesus.


Originally the naming of Jesus - as is still the case today in various churches - was commemorated on January 1st, in whose Gospel it is reported ( Lk 2.21  EU ).

The veneration of the Name of Jesus was particularly encouraged by the two Franciscans, Saint Bernard of Siena and John of Capestrano . At the request of Emperor Charles VI. the festival, a festival of ideas , was introduced in 1721 for the entire Latin Church . Until the liturgical reform , it was celebrated on Sunday between January 1st and 5th or, if there is no Sunday in between, on January 2nd. In 2002, the day of remembrance of the Most Holy Name of Jesus was added to the general calendar of Rome on January 3rd as a non-mandatory day of remembrance .

As a hymn to Vespers , Matins and Laudes , three sections of the originally more than 40-verse verse, Jesu dulcis memoria, attributed to Bernhard von Clairvaux , serve .

In the Anglican , Evangelical and Old Catholic Churches, the naming of Jesus is celebrated on January 1st in connection with the earlier feast of the circumcision of the Lord on the octave day of Christmas . The 4th part of Bach's Christmas Oratorio intended for this day refers throughout to the name of Jesus.


Web links

  • Josef Dirschl: Name of Jesus feast. In: 5th January 2018 .;

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hugh Henry : Jesu Dulcis Memoria. In: Catholic Encyclopedia 16, 1914, accessed on September 16, 2019 (English).
  2. Walter F. Bischof: Fall with thanks, fall with praise - Christmas Oratorio IV. In: Bach Cantata Page. June 30, 2019, accessed on September 16, 2019 (text of the 4th part).