Natalia Evgenevna Semper

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Natalya Evgenevna Semper (pseudonym), born Natalia Sokolova Yevgenyevna , ( Russian Наталья Евгеньевна Семпер , maiden name Russian Наталья Евгеньевна Соколова ; born August 10 . Jul / 23. August  1911 greg. In Moscow ; † 29. October 1995 ibid) was a Soviet - Russian translator , artist , writer and Egyptologist .


Semper's parents were the artist Yevgeny Gavrilowitsch Sokolow and the ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater Tatiana Alexandrovna Ewert. Semper's great-uncle Vasily Alexandrowitsch Polyakow was one of the three rich brothers Polyakow, of whom Sergei Alexandrowitsch Polyakow (1874-1943) as co-owner of the Znamenskaya Manufactory and the manor house Znamenskoje-Gubailowo acted as a patron and translator.

Semper was versatile, mastered many European and Oriental languages, knew the philosophy and culture of the Orient , wrote poetry and drew . At the age of 15, in view of her idea of ​​an English independent traveler, she adopted the name Nelli Semper , which she later used in all of her publications. She studied in the advanced courses for new languages , the Second University of Moscow (1928–1930) , which was formed after the October Revolution from the advanced courses for women , and at the Moscow Institute for New Languages . She was a translator and consultant in the all-union society for cultural connection with foreign countries (1935–1938). In the 1920s and 1930s Semper wrote memoirs on academic and theatrical life in Moscow.

In 1949 Semper was arrested as part of the campaign against rootless cosmopolitans and, after imprisonment in the Lubyanka and Butyrka in 1950, sentenced to 10 years in a labor camp under Article 58 of the RSFSR Criminal Code . She came into Wjatski-bearing (Wjatlag) in Rajon Verchnaya Kama . She was released in April 1955 as part of the de-Stalinization process . She now earned her living with lessons in English , German and French , with lectures for the Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR , with graphic and other work.

Semper wrote about Sigismund Dominikowitsch Krschischanowski , about the construction of the Moscow Canal , about the war , about fellow prisoners in the Ljubanka and about the time in the camp. Their texts were disseminated in samizdat . An autograph is kept in the manuscript department of the State Literature Museum in Moscow.

Semper regularly published reviews of the new Egyptological literature in Westnik drewnei istorii (Journal of Ancient History, Revue d'Histoire Ancienne). She reported on the Egyptologists' conference held in the context of the Wipper Readings 74 in the Pushkin Museum on the occasion of the opening of the Tutankhamun exhibition in 1974 and on the 8th All- Union Conference on the Ancient Near East.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Семпер Наталья Евгеньевна (accessed April 30, 2020).
  2. Семпер, Н. Е .: Человек из Небытия: Воспоминания о С. Д. Кржижановском. 1942-1949 . In: Кржижановский, С. Д. Возвращение Мюнхгаузена  : Повести; Новеллы; Воспоминания о Кржижановском . Худож. лит., Leningrad 1990, ISBN 5-280-02351-5 .
  3. Аннинский, Л .: Десять лет, которые растрясли мир . In: Druzhba Narodow , 1989–1999 . ( [1] [accessed May 1, 2020]).
  4. Крохина, Н. П .: « Художественное произведение жизни » как ценность . In: Совр. проблемы науки и образования . No. 1 , 2014 ( [2] [accessed May 1, 2020]).
  5. Семпер Н. Е .: Новая иностранная литература по египтологии: (Библиографический обзор) . In: Вестник древней истории . No. 1 , 1985.
  6. И. С. Архипов, Е. В. Ляпустина, Е. И. Соломатина, С. А. Степанцов; отв. ред. С. Ю. Сапрыкин: Указатель материалов, опубликованных в « Вестнике древней истории » in 1937–2012 гг. Институт всеобщей истории РАН, Moscow 2012, ISBN 978-5-94067-373-6 ( [3] [PDF; accessed May 1, 2020]).
  7. Семпер Н. Е .: Випперовские чтения - 74 . In: Вестник древней истории . No. 4 , 1974 ( [4] [accessed May 1, 2020]).
  8. Семпер Н. Е .: VIII Всесоюзная конференция по древнему Востоку . In: Вестник древней истории . No. 2 , 1980.