Stemmberg nature reserve

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The Stemmberg nature reserve with a size of 29.1  hectares is located east of Hesborn in the city of Hallenberg . It was designated as a nature reserve (NSG) by the Hochsauerlandkreis on September 15, 2004 with the Hallenberg landscape plan. The NSG is part of the European bird sanctuary Medebacher Bucht . In the northeast, the NSG is on the border with the city of Medebach . There, the two partial areas of the Rüdenscheid nature reserve border in two places and the Mahlbach- and Ölfetal system nature reserve in two places in the southwest .

Area description and protection purpose

The NSG is extensive grassland or fallow grassland. In the grassland there are poor pastures. It is intended to protect the grassland and fallow land with their inventory of species. To contribute to the preservation and development of communities and habitats of wild, partly endangered species, animal and plant species. As with all nature reserves in Germany, the protection designation pointed out that the area was designated as a nature reserve “because of the rarity, special character and beauty of the area”. According to the nature reserve designation, the area was also designated as a nature reserve in order to secure the ecological network Natura 2000 of the EU within the meaning of the Habitats Directive.

See also


Web links

Coordinates: 51 ° 9 ′ 25 ″  N , 8 ° 39 ′ 22 ″  E