Nazario Sauro

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Nazario Sauro
Monument on the Riva Nazario Sauro in Trieste

Nazario Sauro (born September 20, 1880 in Capodistria ( Istria ), † August 10, 1916 in Pula ) was an Italian naval officer and irredentist .

Sauro was born in what was then Austrian Istria and was therefore an Austrian citizen . He belonged to the Italian population group in Istria and Dalmatia , which mainly advocated the connection of these areas to Italy . Istria and Dalmatia had belonged to the Republic of Venice for centuries .

Sauro had been going to sea since his youth and was soon given the command of smaller steamships, with which he was sailing especially in the Dalmatian island world, which he knew very well. At the outbreak of the First World War, he went to Venice and joined the Italian Navy as a volunteer , which, due to his professional experience (ship captain) and his career , gave him the rank of lieutenant captain and deployed him on torpedo boats and submarines .

On July 30, 1916, he ran with the Pullino submarine for a mission at Fiume . Because of the strong current and bad weather, the boat ran onto a rock near the small island of Galiola. After all attempts at liberation had failed, the crew sank the boat. Sauro and the crew of the boat were captured by the Austrian destroyer SMS satellite .

Since Nazario Sauro was an Austrian citizen, the Austrians tried him and sentenced him to death by hanging . He was executed in Pula on August 10, 1916 .

The Italian Navy later named warships after Nazario Sauro, most recently a submarine class ( Sauro class ). The Italian cargo and passenger ship Nazario Sauro (1921–1941) was named after him.
