Nikolai Alexandrovich Kozyrev

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Nikolai Aleksandrovich Kozyrev ( Russian Николай Александрович Козырев ., English transcription ; Nikolay Kozyrev (born 20 August) jul. / 2 September  1908 greg. In St. Petersburg ; † 27. February 1983 in Leningrad ) was a Soviet astronomer .

He was arrested in 1936 and later deported (he spent a few years in the GULAG camps until 1946).

The main focus of his research was the earth's moon , on which Kosyrew focused on possible signs of volcanic activity ( Lunar Transient Phenomena ). In the years around 1955 he was the first to examine the luminescence of the lunar surface (method of residual intensity and lunar eclipses ) and was able to explain the extraordinary brightness of the lunar crater Aristarchus through the effect of solar corpuscular radiation .

According to information from D. Alter (1956), he observed a. a. also regularly the lunar crater Alphonsus using special spectrograms . In November 1958 he discovered volcanic luminous phenomena on the crater floor of this centrally located ring mountain and on the central mountain .

This was a scientific sensation and gave new impetus to the hypothesis that many lunar craters could have been formed by volcanism . However, later studies showed that the most common cause is meteorite impacts since the Great Bombardment 4 billion years ago.

In 1997, in honor of Nikolai Kosyrew, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) renamed the lunar crater Carver K , located south-southeast of the Carver crater, to Kozyrev . The asteroid (2536) Kozyrev was also named after him.

Kosyrev mirror

A device used by esoteric fans (a simple aluminum tube) called the " Kozyrev mirror" (also known as Kozyrev mirror ) is associated with Kozyrev . The Kosyrew mirror should be able to open gates to space and time, enable telepathy or establish contact with extraterrestrials . Kozyrev himself had neither invented nor described the mirror in any way.


  • Josef Sadil: Focus on the moon. Urania-Verlag, Leipzig / Berlin 1962

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. USGS Astrogeology Science Center : Planetary Names: Crater, craters: Kozyrev on Moon
  2. Bernd Kramer: Kozyrev-Spiegel: Master's thesis at Viadrina Uni proves clairvoyance. DER SPIEGEL , May 7, 2012, accessed on February 23, 2020 .
  3. a b Sebastian Herrmann: Looked too deep into the tube. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung . June 12, 2012, accessed February 23, 2020 .
  4. ^ Edzard Ernst : Professor Harald Walach, pseudo-scientist of the year. October 21, 2012, accessed February 23, 2020 (UK English).