Nikolai Andreevich Zertelev

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Nikolai Andreyevich Zertelew ( Russian Николай Андреевич Цертелев , Ukrainian Микола Андрійович Цертелєв Mykola Andriyovych Zerteljew ; May 3 jul. / 14. May  1790 greg. In Khorol , Poltava Governorate , Russian Empire , † September 8 jul. / 20th September  1869 greg. in Morschansk , Russian Empire) was a Russian - Ukrainian ethnographer , poet, publicist and educator. He was the first ethnographer to study Ukrainian folklore.


Nikolai Zertelev was born in the city of Khorol as a scion of an old Georgian noble family, whose branch emigrated to Russia in 1739. Between 1810 and 1814 he studied philology at Moscow University .

From 1820 to 1823 he was a member of the Free Society of Lovers of Russian Literature (ВОЛРС), which was close to the Decembrists .

From 1823 he was director of schools in the Tambov governorate and then in the Poltava governorate . From 1838 he was deputy curator of the Kharkov school district , but took the curator's duties due to the inactivity of the curator. He held this position until March 28, 1859 and was then a member of the main board of the schools before he retired in 1861.

Zertelew maintained friendly relations with many cultural workers of Russia and Ukraine and had a great influence on Ukrainian writers and scholars such Mychajlo Maxymowytsch , hryhory kvitka , Ismail Sresnewski ( Измаил Иванович Срезневский ; 1812-1880), Amwrossij Metlynskyj and Mykola Kostomarov . He was in correspondence with Taras Shevchenko . He spent his twilight years in Moscow, where he was active in the Moscow Society of Literature , to which he transferred his written works and materials. Zertelev died in Morschansk at the age of 79. In addition to his ethnological research and publications, he was the author of poems written in Russian.

Individual evidence

  1. a b biography of Mykola Andrijowytsch Zerteljew on ; accessed on August 4, 2018 2018 (Ukrainian)
  2. entry to Nikolai Zertelew in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia 1979, at The Free Dictionary ; accessed on August 4, 2018
  3. entry to Nikolai Andreyevich Zertelew in Brockhaus and Efron ; accessed on August 4, 2018 (Russian)
  4. a b c Entry on Nikolai Andrejewitsch in the Great Biographical Encyclopedia (2009); accessed on August 4, 2018 (Russian)
  5. a b c Entry on Nikolai Zertelev in the Ukrainian Soviet Encyclopedia ; accessed on August 4, 2018 (Ukrainian)
  6. Entry on Tsertelev, Nikolai in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine ; accessed on August 4, 2018
  7. ^ Shevchenko's letter to letter to MA Zerteljew of September 3, 1844 in ua-kobzar ; accessed on August 4, 2018 (Ukrainian)