Nikolai Nikolajewitsch Alexejew (philosopher)

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Nikolai Nikolajewitsch Alexejew

Nikolai Nikolayevich Alexeyev ( Russian Николай Николаевич Алексеев ; born May 2 . Jul / 14. May  1879 greg. In Moscow , † 2. March 1964 in Geneva ) was a Russian lawyer, philosopher and one of the ideologues of Eurasianism .

The student of Pavel Ivanovich Novgorodzew used phenomenological approaches in legal philosophy . Alexejew taught from 1912 to 1917 at Moscow University , from 1922 to 1931 in Prague and Berlin , then at the Sorbonne and from 1940 in Belgrade .

Live and act

Nikolai Alexejew grew up in a family of lawyers in Moscow, graduated from the 3rd Moscow High School and studied at the Law Faculty of Moscow University. In February 1902 he was imprisoned for six months for revolutionary activities. After his release he studied at the Royal Saxon Technical University in Dresden . In 1903 Nikolai Alexejew was allowed to continue studying in his place of birth, where he graduated with honors in 1906, did his doctorate and became a private lecturer. Further steps on the way to becoming a university professor led via Berlin, Heidelberg and Marburg to Paris . He was particularly drawn to the phenomenology of Husserl .

Returned to Russia in 1912, he obtained his teaching qualification with the dissertation on the historical relationships of some methods in the natural and social sciences, and in 1916 he became Associate Professor of Legal Philosophy at the Moscow Philosophy Chair. In 1917 he prepared a constituent assembly together with the Provisional Government . He did not take part in the October Revolution . In the summer of 1918 he stayed outside Russia, reached the Crimea via Kiev in October and became a professor at Simferopol University in late 1918 .

In early 1919 he turned to the White Movement , joined their White Army and was responsible for the literature supplement in the propaganda department as editor of the Velikaya Rossija newspaper (Great Russia). In March 1919 he was evacuated to Belgrade via Constantinople and Sofia . In 1920 it went back to the Crimea. Until the fall of 1920, Nikolai Alexejew was head of the information department at General Wrangel's headquarters . Then he left Russia. Until 1922 he was inspector of the Russian schools in Constantinople. In the same year Pavel Novgorodzew called him to the Russian People's University in Prague. In the metropolis on the Moldau , Nikolai Alexejew dealt with Eurasism.

In 1931 the Law Faculty of the Prague People's University was closed. Nikolai Alexejew went to Strasbourg as a university professor and then to the Sorbonne in Paris. During the war he sought to be close to the resistance in Belgrade . In 1945 he received Soviet citizenship. Due to differences between the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia , Nikolai Alexejew went to Switzerland , lived in Geneva from 1948 and continued to work there in his field.

Work (selection)

  • Basic requirements of the psychological legal theory of Leon Petrażyckis - Основные предпосылки психологической теории права Л. И. Петражицкого . 1913.
  • Introduction to Law Studies - Введение в изучение права. Moscow 1918
  • General legal theory - Общее учение о праве. Simferopol 1919
  • Writings on General State Theory - Очерки по общей теории государства. Основные предпосылки и гипотезы государственной науки . Moscow 1919
  • On the way to the future of Russia - На путях к будущей России . 1927
  • Religion, Law and Morality - Религия, право и нравственность . Paris 1930
  • State theory - Теория государства: Теоретическое государствоведение, государственное устройсытво, госуданарслво, государсыт восударсыт. Prague 1931
  • About the philosophical idea and its social mission - Об идее философии и её общественной миссии . 1934
  • Ways and fates of Marxism - Пути и судьбы марксизма. От Маркса и Энгельса к Ленину и Сталину. Berlin 1936
  • Where are we going? On the new Soviet constitution - Куда идти? К вопросу о новой советской конституции. Berlin 1937
  • The idea of ​​the state - Идея государства . New York 1955
  • The Russian Empire in its origins - Русская империя в её истоках. Geneva 1958

Newer editions

  • Основы философии права . Saint Petersburg 1998, ISBN 5-86247-018-2
  • Русский народ и государство. Moscow 1998. ISBN 5-7784-0046-2
  • Идея государства. Saint Petersburg 2001. ISBN 5-8114-0336-4
  • Очерки по общей теории государства. Основные предпосылки и гипотезы государственной науки . Editors В. А. Томсинова. Moscow 2008. ISBN 978-5-8078-0157-9

Transfers into German

  • The law of Soviet Russia . Editors: A. Maklezow, N. Timaschew, N. Alexejew and S. Sowadsky. 524 pages. JCB Mohr , Tuebingen 1925
  • The development of the Russian state in the years 1923–1925 . JCB Mohr, Tuebingen 1926
  • Church, state and people. Russian Orthodox Studies. With contributions from N. Alexejev and others. 399 pages. Geneva 1937
  • Total state and Christian freedom. With contributions by Nikolaj N. Alexejev, Peter Barth and others. 177 pages. Geneva 1937

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Russian Новгородцев, Павел Иванович
  2. russ. 3-я Московская гимназия
  3. russ. Науки общественные и естественные в историческом взаимоотношении их методов
  4. Russian Русский народный университет
  5. ^ Osnovy filosofii prava: Entry in WorldCat
  6. Russkiĭ narod i gosudarstvo: Entry in WorldCat
  7. Ideja gosudarstva: entry in WorldCat
  8. Ocherki po obshcheĭ teorii gosudarstva. Osnovnye predposylki i gipotezy gosudarstvennoĭ nauki: Entry in WorldCat
  9. Entry in WorldCat
  10. Entry in WorldCat
  11. Entry in WorldCat