Nicholas Titus

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Nikolaus Titus (born January 28, 1808 in Forchheim , † November 29, 1874 in Bamberg , also Nicolaus Titus ) was a Bamberg lawyer and politician.

As a radical democrat, he was a key activist of the 1848/1849 revolution in Bamberg and, alongside Dr. Heinkelmann author of the 14 Bamberg articles .


As the son of a lawyer, Titus also studied law in Würzburg from 1825 , from 1833 he worked as a lawyer in Bamberg, from 1842 as a lawyer at the Court of Appeal . Titus was already a political person as a high school student and was expelled from school for a short time because of fraternity activities. During his studies he was a leading member of the Germania Würzburg fraternity and from 1828 belonged to the old Erlanger fraternity Germania .

Political activities

Titus took part in the pre-parliament in 1848 and was from May 23, 1848 until the end of the rump parliament on June 18, 1849 a member of the Upper Franconian constituency (Bamberg) in the Frankfurt National Assembly . In the Paulskirchenparliament he belonged to the factions Deutscher Hof and Donnersberg . June 1848 he fled to Zurich . In 1850 he was imprisoned in Augsburg (like many prominent democrats he was charged with attempted high treason ), then immediately returned to Bamberg. In 1859 Titus was involved in the founding of the German National Association. From 1867 he was in contact with the 1st International . In 1873 he represented Bamberg activists of the banned "Social-Democratic Workers' Party of Bamberg" legally and showed support for the social democracy that was forming in Bamberg .


Titus was considered an eloquent speaker, he was characterized by his broad knowledge and quick-wittedness. He was an imposing figure and extremely popular. Titus received recognition across all political borders for his ability to drink. He knew August Bebel and Wilhelm Liebknecht personally.


  • Heinrich Best, Wilhelm Weege: Biographical manual of the members of the Frankfurt National Assembly 1848/49 . Droste-Verlag, Düsseldorf 1998, pp. 337f. ISBN 3-7700-0919-3
  • Stephan Link: Political Catholicism - Liberalism - Social Democracy. The political Bamberg in the 19th century . Historical Association, Bamberg 2005. ISBN 3-87735-179-4
  • Helge Dvorak: Biographical Lexicon of the German Burschenschaft. Volume I: Politicians. Volume 6: T-Z. Winter, Heidelberg 2005, ISBN 3-8253-5063-0 , pp. 44-45.

Individual evidence

  1. Link 2005, p. 448
  2. Link 2005, pp. 142ff