Nils von Rosenstein

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Nils von Rosenstein, painted by Per Krafft the Elder

Nils von Rosenstein (born December 1, 1752 in Uppsala , † August 7, 1824 in Stockholm ) was a Swedish official and advocate of the Enlightenment idea .

Nils von Rosenstein was a son of the medicine professor Nils Rosén, who was raised to the nobility in 1762 as Nils Rosén von Rosenstein . He studied at Uppsala University and took up a position in the royal chancellery as early as 1771. In 1782 he became secretary of the Swedish Embassy in Paris , where he was influenced by the philosophy of the Enlightenment there. After his return to Sweden in 1784 he became the tutor of Crown Prince Gustav IV Adolf for eleven years and worked in the office again. In 1795 he was retired with the title and remuneration of Landshövding , but took on other tasks, e.g. B. as commandant of the Royal War Academy at Karlberg Castle . Briefly out of favor, he became State Secretary for Church and School Affairs in 1809. In 1822 he had to give up the office for health reasons.

Rosenstein was appointed to chair 11 when the Swedish Academy was founded in 1786 and also served as permanent secretary until his death. In 1788 he was also admitted to the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences , in 1811 to the Royal Swedish Academy of Forestry and Agriculture ( Lantbruksakademien ). The University of Uppsala awarded him an honorary doctorate in law in 1811 .


Web links

Commons : Nils von Rosenstein  - Collection of images, videos and audio files