Nivelon de Chérisy

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Nivelon de Chérisy , also called de Quierzy (* in the 12th century ; † September 13, 1207 in Bari ) was Bishop of Soissons . He was a son of Sire Gérard II of Chérisy and Agnes of Longpont.

Nivelon was appointed Bishop of Soissons on August 9, 1175. The following year he began building the Saint-Gervais-et-Saint-Protais cathedral . In 1179 he took part in the third Lateran Council . Between the French King Philip II August and the Roman King Philip of Swabia , he led alliance negotiations in 1198 for the purpose of an alliance against Richard the Lionheart and Otto von Braunschweig .

From 1202 Nivelon took part in the fourth crusade . Together with the Bishop of Halberstadt , he was the highest-ranking clergyman in this company. After the conquest of Zara , he traveled to Rome , where he tried in vain to get the Pope's approval for a train against Constantinople . After conquering the capital of the Byzantine Empire, he crowned Count Baldwin IX on May 16, 1204 . of Flanders in Hagia Sophia as the first Latin Emperor of Constantinople. During the conquest of this city by the Crusaders, he had acquired several relics, which he had brought to France. These included two pieces of the true cross , a thorn of the crown of thorns, the skull of John the Baptist , an elbow of St. Stephen and a cloth of Christ that was used on the Last Supper . After the defeat in the Battle of Adrianople in 1205, Nivelon returned to France to recruit new knights for a commitment in Greece.

He died on his second journey east in Puglia and was buried in the Cathedral of San Nicola in Bari .


  • Charles Louis Richard: Bibliothèque sacrée, ou Dictionnaire universel historique… (1827)
  • Michael Angold: The fourth crusade: event and context (Pearson Deucation, 2003)
predecessor Office successor
Hugues de Champ-Fleury Bishop of Soissons
Aymard de Provins