Norbert Schrödl

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The poet Anakreon accompanied by his muses

Norbert Schrödl (born July 16, 1842 in Vienna , † February 26, 1912 in Kronberg im Taunus ) was a German painter of Austrian origin.


Norbert Schrödl was the son of the ivory carver and sculptor Norbert Michael Schrödl . The lithographer Anton Schrödl his uncle, the sculptor Leopold Schrödl his brother. Schrödl and his family traveled across Europe from farm to farm, where his father was in service. In 1883 he married Else Mueller from Königswinter.


When he was ten, Schrödl received expert instruction from the court painter Michael von Zichy in Saint Petersburg .

In 1854 Schrödl was in Paris and attended various preparatory courses at the École des Beaux-Arts . When his family settled in Frankfurt am Main the following year , Schrödl became a student of Jakob Becker . This mediated his first contacts to Kronberg and the local painters' colony .

Between 1863 and 1868 Schrödl lived and worked again in Paris. There he was soon noticed by the patron, Duke Charles Tascher de la Pagerie . Thanks to his advocacy, Schrödl soon received many lucrative orders. In the summer of 1868 Schrödl settled in Berlin . Until 1874 he lived and worked here as a sought-after portraitist.

In order to treat himself to a creative break, Schrödl traveled to Italy between 1874 and 1877. During this time he mostly only created sketches, which later served as the basis for one or the other work.

From 1880 Schrödl lived alternately in Frankfurt and in Kronberg. It was not until 1887 that he finally settled in Taunusstadt. The local artist community inspired him. When Empress Victoria moved into her widow's residence at Schloss Friedrichshof in 1888 , she asked Schrödl to give her painting lessons. Until her death in 1901 he was a reliable teacher and critic to her.

In 1894 Schrödl was entrusted with the presidency of the Frankfurt Artists' Society.

At the age of almost 70, Norbert Schrödl died on February 26, 1912 in Kronberg im Taunus. His grave is at the main cemetery in Frankfurt


Web links

Commons : Norbert Schrödl  - Collection of images, videos and audio files