Novi Sad (band)

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Novi Sad is an Austrian music group founded in Vienna in 1988 . She is one of the pioneers of the Austrian independent scene. The music mixes style elements from pop , chanson , folk , jazz and minimal . The Viennese city newspaper Falter has described her as the “grand master of intimate pop songs”.


Novi Sad was founded by the singer Evelyn Blumenau, the guitarist Klaus Schuch aka Paris1914 , the synthesizer player Ludwig Zeininger aka Wiggo-tse and the drummer Manfred Scharf aka Moonday . The musicians have previously played with Peter Purgathofer in the pop band Wiener Aderlass Orchester . Their first appearance took place in the Vienna Music Club Chelsea in 1989. In 1990 they released the first long player Nuts 'n' Berries on vinyl on the label of the extra plate . In 1991 the group was invited to the New Music Seminar in New York and gave concerts at The Bitter End and The Limelight . In 1989 and 1992 Novi Sad composed the music for two films by Austrian director Gabriele Mathes . During the recording of the second album Dreaming Starts Here , which was released on CD, Wiggo-tse left the band. He was followed in 1992 by bassist Robert Worel aka Wurli and guitarist Erik Glaser aka Lützi . Tours in Southeast Europe followed. Lützi left the band three years later, but supported the band with the other albums in the studio. In the early 2000s, Novi Sad and the Viennese actor and cabaret artist Tristan Jorde developed the Ernst Jandl reading concert du sprecken deuts? which was performed in Austria, England and Georgia. Until 2002 Novi Sad acted as a quartet. During the recordings for the sixth album europe's other side , Stephan Lanner aka St. Stephan already played drums on several songs. Shortly afterwards he became a permanent member of the band and Moonday switched from drums to the accordion. Since then, Novi Sad have mainly played as a quintet, sometimes supported by guest musicians.


  • 1990 Nuts 'n' Berries , LP, vinyl, released on special EX 110
  • 1992 Dreaming Starts Here , LP, CD published on World Culture Aid (WCA-1) and MC distributed by RIVA Sound
  • 1994 Super or normal , maxi-CD released on World Culture Aid (WCA-99) distributed by GASH
  • 1995 Home Is in My Shoes , LP, mostly live recordings, CD and MC appeared on RIVA Sound and World Culture Aid
  • 1999 Music for the Time After Rock 'n' Roll , LP, CD released on World Culture Aid (WCA-72) distributed by Hoanzl
  • 2003 europe's.other.side , LP, CD published on World Culture Aid (WCA-80)
  • 2008 Rise , double LP, CD, released on special EX 810-2
  • 2012 16 Songs / 22 Years , CD with book, released on Lindo Records (lindo 016)
  • 2013 Almond Trees and Roses , CD, released on Lindo Records (lindo 023) distributed by Hoanzl
  • 2016 Himmel and Hölle , CD, released on Lindo Records (lindo 039) distributed by Hoanzl
  • 2017 Die Wöd is so bitter, (setting by Ernst Jandl ) published on the sampler Wienmusik, 2017, monkey music (MONCD143) distributed by Hoanzl

Cross-genre art projects

  • 1989 Score for the short film I am going to fuck you back to the stoneage by Gabriele Mathes
  • 1992 Film music for the feature film Red Alert! by Gabriele Mathes
  • Since 1992 collaboration with the Viennese painter and installation artist Robert Resac, who helped design the artwork and cover of several albums for the band ( Dreaming Starts Here , Super oder normal , europe's.other.side and Almond trees and roses )
  • 1993 Set design installations by Robert Resac for concerts in Novi Sad in the WUK (cultural center) and Flex (club)
  • 1994 Live painting by Robert Resac for a concert by the band in the Ernst-Kirchweger-Haus
  • 2001 First performance of the Ernst Jandl tribute reading concert Du sprecken deuts? with Tristan Jorde. Performances abroad in Oxford and Tbilisi were supported by the Austrian Cultural Forum .
  • 2004 Multi-media cooperation with Robert Resac on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Nick Drake's death in the Porgy & Bess (jazz club)
  • from 2008 setting of poetry by the Austrian writer Christian Schwetz and joint music / text / Kombinat live performances
  • 2013 Creation of the radio report In the line with earth with gecko-art for Earth Overshoot Day
  • In 2013, as part of the TASTE project Veza Lives, the commissioned composition 'Von Meiner Weiten' - a song for Veza Canetti .

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