No. 7

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Original title No. 7
Country of production Austria
original language German , English , Russian , Romanian , Hebrew
Publishing year 2012
length 87 minutes
Director Michael Schindegger
script Michael Schindegger
production Mischief Films , Ralph Wieser , David Bohun (production management)
camera Michael Schindegger
cut Dieter Pichler

No. 7 is the debut documentary film of director Michael Schindegger. The film portrays the house in Vienna's Leopoldstadt , where the director grew up and lived for 30 years, as well as his multilingual, predominantly Jewish community.


"No. 7 ”is a snapshot from 2011. Director Michael Schindegger has lived with father and brothers in a tenement in Vienna / Leopoldstadt, the house“ No. 7 ". He hardly knows the neighbors. Shortly before his own wedding and moving out, he wants to change that. With the camera in hand, he rings the doorbell and becomes acquainted with the multilingual, predominantly Jewish community.

What he finds is a lost piece of Viennese cultural history, a multilingual, predominantly Jewish household that lives its own rhythm here and invites the director to join in. The house owner's family lives on several floors: parents, daughters, sons-in-law and grandchildren. They jointly run a kosher butcher shop on the ground floor , a meeting place for the Jewish community. Sandwiches are packed here, next to the counter young men in baseball caps discuss the value of the Sabbath rest . Residents build a pavilion on the roof for the Feast of Tabernacles .


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Individual evidence