Nvart Andreassian

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Nvart Andreassian (born November 4, 1952 in Istanbul , Turkey ) is a French conductor . Andreassian has directed several orchestras, was a guest conductor with European, South American and Asian orchestras and has symphonic experience.

Professional background

Nvart Andreassian studied from 1966 to 1971 at the State Conservatory of Yerevan , Armenia , choral and orchestral conducting and graduated with a diploma in orchestral and choral conducting. In 1979/1980 she received a scholarship for choral and orchestral conducting at the Paris Opera . Nvart Andreassian was a master student of conductors and composers Michel Tabachnik , Jean Fournet , Péter Eötvös , Igor Markevitch , Daniel Barenboim and Andrew Loog Oldham . She attended courses on music analysis of contemporary music with Max Deutsch and classical music with Sergiu Celibidache and Roland Catoir .

Professional Activities

Orchestra direction

Nvart Andreassian directed the orchestra of the State Conservatory of Yerevan , Armenia (1968 to 1974), the Orchester de Chambre de Paris (1975 to 1980), the youth orchestra of the Conservatoire de Lille (1980 to 1989) and the ensemble Polychromie, which she founded in 1985 ( Ensemble for contemporary music) (1982 to 1987). In 1998 she became chief conductor of the Tianjin Conservatory Youth Orchestra and the Tianjin Symphony Orchestra .

Teaching activities

In France and other countries, Nvart Andreassian also worked in the university sector: from 1981 to 1989 she was a lecturer in choral and orchestral conducting at the Conservatoire de Lille and at the University of Lille III . Between 1982 and 1987 the Collegium Musicum was also under her leadership at this university .

Guest Conductor

From 1989 she gave guest appearances in South America ( Brazil , Uruguay , Argentina , Venezuela ), Asia ( China , Armenia , Russia ) and Europe. She has conducted with the Clara Schumann Symphony Orchestra Cologne (1985/86), the European Mixte Ensemble Berlin (1988 and 1990), GRIS Ensemble for contemporary music (France) (1989), Ensemble Cologne (1992), Ensemble Nouvelle Musique (Belgium, 1993), European Lucero Ensemble (1993). Since 1993 she has been a regular guest conductor with the Orquestra Sinfonica de Porto Alegre ( Brazil ).

In the late 1990s she was the first guest conductor of the Armenian National Opera and the Armenian State Philharmonic Orchestra, as well as musical director of the Armenian Ensemble for New Music .

Repertoire focus

Nvart Andreassian has mastered the orchestral and opera repertoire and has symphonic experience. In addition, she is particularly dedicated to works for modern ensembles and line-ups with a particular focus on contemporary music and has specialized in the Asian and South American regions.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h i j k l m Short biography of Nvart Andreassian. In: dirigentinnen.de. Retrieved June 19, 2017 .
  2. ^ Nvart Andreassian - Music of Armenia. In: musicofarmenia.com. Retrieved July 8, 2017 .
  3. ^ A b c Elke Mascha Blankenburg: Female conductors in the 20th century. Portraits from Marin Alsop to Simone Young. Hamburg European Publishing House, 2003, ISBN 3-434-50536-9 , p. 235.
  4. Gérard Serge faucilhon: Curiculum Vitæ. In: nvart.andreassian.free.fr. Retrieved July 2, 2017 .