Nyeleti Mondlane

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Nyeleti Brooke Mondlane , mostly just Nyeleti Mondlane (born January 17, 1962 in the United States ), is a Mozambican politician . From 2015 to 2017 she was Deputy Foreign Minister in the Nyusi cabinet and has been the country's youth and sports minister since November 2017. She is the daughter of the first FRELIMO chairman, Eduardo Mondlane .


Youth in Tanzania

Nyeleti Brooke Mondlane was born on January 17, 1962 in the United States to Janet and Eduardo Mondlane . Her father, from Mozambique, was studying abroad, where he met his wife. In addition to Nyeleti Mondlane, the two also had their older children Eduardo Jr. (* 1957) and Jennifer Chude (* 1958).

Shortly after their birth, the family moved to Dar es Salaam ( Tanzania ), where the Mozambican Liberation Front FRELIMO, founded in 1962, set up its headquarters. Nyeleti Mondlane's father, Eduardo Mondlane, had been elected first leader of the liberation movement. Her mother, Janet Mondlane, took over the management of the Mozambique Institute , a kind of FRELIMO training center.

Move to Maputo

Nyelete Mondlane spent the time in the Tanzanian capital until her father was killed by a letter bomb in 1969 when she was seven years old. The FRELIMO leadership then decided to send the family to the Tanzanian bush, to the FRELIMO camp in Bagamoyo , because the family was safer there. The family lived there until Mozambique gained independence in 1975. The newly elected chairman of FRELIMO, Samora Machel , traveled with the Mondlanes to Maputo to take over power in the independent country. Nyeleti Mondlane witnessed the proclamation of independence in the national stadium in Machava .

While Nyeleti Mondlane's mother took over duties in the government of the young state, Nyeleti Mondlane completed her schooling. She then studied anthropology at the University of Manchester . However, she soon returned to Mozambique to become politically active for FRELIMO. Parallel to her political engagement, she also worked as an anthropologist for the state railways .

Political career

After the introduction of the multi-party system, the FRELIMO Nyeleti Mondlane for the parliamentary election in 1994 , they won a mandate in the National Assembly of Mozambique over the list of the province of Zambézia . From then on Nyeleti Mondlane was always a member of parliament and was re-elected in the 1999 , 2004 , 2009 and 2014 elections. Mondlane campaigned, among other things, for more women's rights within parliament. She was part of the so-called "Gabinete de Mulher", an association of several women MPs. For several years Mondlane was (and is) a member of the Central Committee (ZK) of FRELIMO. Politically, Mondlane sees itself as part of the “new generation” who have to “trigger a change” in the country and replace the “old generation of September 25” - the generation of guerrilla and resistance fighters.

After Armando Guebuza changed presidency to Filipe Nyusi , the latter appointed her to his new cabinet . She took over the post of Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and headed Oldemiro Balói . She then gave up her parliamentary mandate.


Mondlane is married and has three children. Mondlane speaks Portuguese, English and French.

Individual evidence

  1. RG 30/307 - Eduardo Chivambo Mondlane (1920–1969). (No longer available online.) Oberlin Colleges Archives, archived from the original on September 12, 2006 ; accessed on October 10, 2016 (English). Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.oberlin.edu
  2. a b c d e Henrique Botequilha: “O meu pai nicht é rotulável”, diz Nyeleti Mondlane. (No longer available online.) In: Dias da Independência. Lusa, June 14, 2015; archived from the original on October 10, 2016 ; Retrieved October 10, 2016 (Portuguese). Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.independenciaslusa.info
  3. a b João Vaz da Almada: “Moçambique tem de descobrir Eduardo Mondlane”. In: A Verdade. January 31, 2009, accessed October 10, 2016 (Portuguese).
  4. a b c Carol Banze, Angelina Mahumane and Maria de Lurdes Cossa: Nyeleti é o amor da vida de Mondlane. In: Jornal Domingo. June 14, 2015, accessed October 10, 2016 (Portuguese).
  5. Joseph Henlon: Reshaped government: Who's Who & details of changes. (PDF) (No longer available online.) In: Mozambique political process bulletin. CIP / AWEPA, February 18, 2015, formerly in the original ; Retrieved October 10, 2016 (Portuguese).  ( Page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link / www.open.ac.uk.technology.mozambique