Whispers of the Sea - Ocean Waves

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Anime movie
title Whispers of the Sea - Ocean Waves
Original title 海 が き こ え る
transcription Umi ga kikoeru
Umi ga kikoeru title.jpg
Country of production JapanJapan Japan
original language Japanese
Publishing year 1993
Studio Studio Ghibli
length 72 minutes
Age rating FSK 0
Director Tomomi Mochizuki
script Kaori Nakamura
production Toshio Suzuki
music Shigeru Nagata

Whisper of the Sea - Ocean Waves ( Japanese 海 が き こ え る , Umi ga kikoeru , translated “I can hear the sea”) is an anime film from 1993. Studio Ghibli created the film for Japanese television. The television station NTV was involved in the production.

On this film, Studio Ghibli tried to have its younger members produce it at a lower cost, but in the end the film went over budget and took longer to produce than planned.

The director was Tomomi Mochizuki ( 望月 智 充 ). The music was composed by Shigeru Nagata ( 永田 茂 ). The story follows the Japanese story of the same name, Umi ga kikoeru by Saeko Himuro ( 氷 室 冴 子 ).


When the attractive seventeen-year-old student Rikako Mutō ( 武 藤 里 伽 子 , Mutō Rikako ) from Tokyo joins a school class in Kōchi on Shikoku , the situation between long-time friends Taku Morisaki ( 杜 崎 拓 , Morisaki Taku ) and Yutaka Matsuno ( 松 野 豊 , Matsuno Yutaka ), because a triangular relationship develops between them.

Rikako, who at first seems very arrogant and aloof, does not manage to integrate into the class. It turns out that she is insecure inside and suffers from the separation of her parents. During a school trip to Hawaii, Rikako borrows 60,000 yen from Taku. He is initially skeptical, but agrees because she tells him that she was robbed. Taku later learns that Yutaka has lent her an additional 20,000 yen. A little later, Yumi Kohama ( 小 浜 祐 美 , Kohama Yumi ) befriends Rikako. Taku waits for months for his money.

During Golden Week , Yumi calls Taku and tells him that Rikako wants to fly her to Tokyo, even though they were actually planning to fly to Osaka for a concert. Taku realizes that the money was intended for these tickets and feels betrayed. When he confronts Rikako at the airport, she tells him that she needs the money to visit her father because her mother has forbidden her to contact him. Taku accompanies her to Tokyo in Yumi's place, where Rikako shows up in Taku's hotel room after an argument with her father. Taku falls for her manipulative games and even spends the night in the bathtub.

When Yutaka found out about the trip to Tokyo, he was seized with jealousy. The friendship between the two suffers more and more. Meanwhile, Rikako is becoming more and more withdrawn. She refuses group activities at school but becomes one of the best students for doing so. The classmates are not enthusiastic about Rikako's loneliness and angrily address her. Taku watches everything from afar without helping her, for which he receives a slap. Yutaka is now sure that something is going on between the two and ends the friendship after Taku punched him in the face.

After finishing school, Taku goes to Tokyo and Yutaka goes to college in Kyoto. Rikako is said to be staying in Kōchi. When Taku returns to Kōchi for a class reunion, Yutaka picks him up from the airport. While driving, they speak out and apologize to each other for their behavior. During the class reunion, Taku remembers the past and realizes that he has a feeling for Rikako. A little later he learns that Rikako is actually attending college in Tokyo. When they meet at the train station, he realizes that he has always been crazy about Rikako.


The film The Ocean Waves was released in Japan in 1993 on NTV and later that year on Laserdisc . For a long time he was only known in Japan.

An edition on DVD has also been available in Japan since 2003 . The film was also released on DVD in Germany on October 9, 2009 under the name Whispers of the Sea - Ocean Waves on Universum Anime . Super RTL first broadcast the film on June 11, 2011 on German free TV.


The synchronous work only took place in 2009 at Berliner Synchron . Ulrike Lau wrote the dialogue book and directed the dialogue.

role Japanese speaker ( seiyū ) German speaker
Taku Morisaki Nobuo Tobita Nico Sablik
Rikako Yōko Sakamoto Tanya Kahana
Yutaka Matsuno Toshihiko Seki Tobias Nath
Yumi Kohama Kae Araki Sonja Spuhl
Taku's mother Ai Sato Sabine Winterfeldt
Akiko Shimizu Yuri Amano Julia digit
Okada Jun'ichi Kanemaru Constantin von Jascheroff
Rikako's father Kinryuu Arimoto Thomas Schmuckert
Tadashi Yamao Hikaru Midorikawa Robin Kahnmeyer


"The carefully developed animation film tries to achieve an astonishing degree of" realism "and tells a moving youth story without antics."

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Whispers of the Sea - Ocean Waves. Universum Film GmbH, accessed December 8, 2013 .
  2. German synchronous index: German synchronous index | Movies | Whisper of the sea. Retrieved March 6, 2018 .
  3. Whispers of the Sea - Ocean Waves. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed August 3, 2019 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used