Odontites pyrenaeus

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Odontites pyrenaeus
Euasterids I
Order : Mint family (Lamiales)
Family : Summer root family (Orobanchaceae)
Genre : Tooth Racks ( Odontites )
Type : Odontites pyrenaeus
Scientific name
Odontites pyrenaeus
( Bubani ) Rothm.

Odontites pyrenaeus is a semi-parasitic plant species from the genus of the tooth rust ( Odontites ). The species is endemic to the Pyrenees .


Vegetative characteristics

Odontites pyrenaeus is an upright, up to 40 cm tall, herbaceous , annual plant . The entire plant is covered with white, bristly trichomes that are up to 0.7 mm long. The hairs on the stems are almost lying flat and directed backwards, on the leaves it is obliquely protruding and directed forward. The stem becomes up to 3 mm thick at the base. The vegetative part of the plant consists of ten to 20 nodes , from one to ten of the nodes arise up to 24 cm long side branches. The angle at which the side branches protrude differs between the subspecies (subsp. Pyrenaeus 38 to 55 °; subsp. Abilianus 50 to 80 °). The leaves reach a length of 16 to 38 mm and are 1.3 to 2.5 mm wide. Their shape is linear-lanceolate, the edge is entire or indistinctly occupied with two to four teeth.

Inflorescences and flowers

The inflorescences consist of eight to 17 flowers , the non-blossoming inhibition zone consists of four to nine nodes. At flowering time, the inflorescences are compact and elongate only slightly until the fruit is ripe. The bracts are foliage-like-scaly, lanceolate or oval-lanceolate in shape, their edge is usually entire and may have stalk glands.

The inflorescence order of the flowers of an inflorescence is from the lower flowers to the uppermost. The flowers reach a length of 7 to 10 mm and are protogynous . At the beginning of the flowering period the calyx is 3.5 to 5.5 mm long, on the fruit it extends to a maximum of 6.5 mm. It is covered with numerous stalk glands and split up to a maximum of half, the calyx lobes are triangular. The crown is colored yellow, the lower half of the corolla tube is hairless, the rest of the crown is covered with 0.05 to 0.2 mm long trichomes. There are also some glandular trichomes at the transition between the helmet and the lower lip. The corolla tube reaches a length of 6 to 7.5 mm; the helmet is 3 to 3.3 mm long and has a clear edge. At 3 to 3.8 mm in length, the lower lip is slightly longer or as long as the helmet; it is split into three lobes over half the length. The middle tip is widened in the shape of a column and mostly clearly delineated. It is 1.1 to 1.3 times as long as the lateral tip. These are almost square and rounded in a semicircle.

The four stamens are far beyond the crown, the upper pair reaches a length of 3.5 to 4.5 mm, the lower pair 5 to 5.6 mm. The stamens are papillous that 1.7 to 2.2 mm long expectant anthers are yellow to light brown and are at right angles to the filaments. The counters of the dust bags tear open along the entire length and are pointed at the lower end with spikes. The hair consists of spiral hairs at the upper end and 0.6 mm long tubular hairs on the connective and on the dorsal central nerve. The pollen grains are about 22 × 27 μm in size. The ovary forms in two subjects in total 10 to 14 ovules . The stylus is 6 to 8 mm long.

Fruits and seeds

The fruits are obovate, ellipsoidal or almost rectangular in outline capsules which reach a length of 5 to 7.2 mm and a width from 2.5 to 4.3 mm. The seeds are 1.5 to 2 × 0.7 to 0.8 mm in size.

Chromosome number

The number of chromosomes is 2n = 24.


The species is endemic to the central southern slopes of the Pyrenees . It occurs there from the Yesa dam eastwards to the Rio Noguera . It grows at altitudes between 800 and 1400 m (rarely also 600 to 1850 m).


The species Odontites pyrenaeus , together with Odontites cebennensis, is part of the species group Odontites pyrenaeus agg. posed. Two subspecies are distinguished within the species:

  • Odontites pyrenaeus subsp. pyrenaeus
  • Odontites pyrenaeus subsp. abilianus monts .


  • Markus Bolliger: Monograph of the genus Odontites (Scrophulariaceae) and the related genera Macrosyringion, Odontitella, Bornmuellerantha and Bartsiella . In: Willdenowia: Annals of the Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem , Volume 26, 1996. pp. 37-168. (Online: Part 1 (PDF; 2.4 MB), Part 2 (PDF; 1.2 MB), Part 3 (PDF; 1.2 MB), Part 4 ; PDF; 2.1 MB)

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Odontites pyrenaeus at Tropicos.org. In: IPCN Chromosome Reports . Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis