Oleg Nikolayevich Yefremov

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Oleg Nikolajewitsch Jefremow ( Russian Олег Николаевич Ефремов ; * October 1, 1927 in Moscow ; † May 24, 2000 ibid) was a Russian actor and theater director.


After graduating from the MchAT theater school in 1949 , Yefremov worked at the Central Children's Theater in Moscow. In 1956 he founded the Sovremennik Theater together with Galina Woltschek , Igor Kwascha , Jewgeni Jewstignejew , Oleg Tabakow , Lilija Tolachschowa and Viktor Sergachev , and became its artistic director. He stayed there until 1970, when he was appointed to the same position at the MchAT. A part of the ensemble left the Sowremennik Theater with him. In 1987 the MchAT theater ensemble disintegrated. Part of the ensemble remained under the direction of Yefremov (his theater was named after Chekhov in 1989), another part founded the Gorky Art Theater, which Tatiana Doronina took over. Yefremov ran the theater until his death, then Oleg Tabakov followed him.

Yefremov was also known as a film actor. He made his screen debut in 1956 with Perwy eschelon by Mikhail Kalatosow . With deep psychological empathy, he embodied open-hearted, humorous and soulful film characters. His most notable roles include the tank soldier Ivanov in Alexander Stolper's The Living and the Dead (1964), the examining magistrate Podberesowikow in Eldar Ryazanov's Beware of the Car Thief! (1966), Dolochow in Sergei Bondarchuk's War and Peace (1966–1967) and the artist Fjodor in Alexander Mitta's lamp, mein Stern, shine (1970). In Joachim Kunert's GDR television film Das Verhör (1977), Jefremow played the Soviet lieutenant Komarow. He has co-directed at least two films.

Oleg Eefremov was married twice. His son Mikhail Yefremov also became an actor.


In 1969 he was honored as a People's Artist of the RSFSR , in 1976 as a People's Artist of the USSR and in 1987 as a Hero of Socialist Labor . He also received the Order of Lenin , the Order of the Red Banner of Labor , the Order of Friendship of Nations and the Order of Merit for the Fatherland 3rd Class. Three times he was USSR State Prize , twice the State Prize of the Russian Federation awarded.

Filmography (selection)

  • 1957: Tales about Lenin ( Рассказы о Ленине )
  • 1958: The Gypsy's Gift ( Трудное счастье )
  • 1962: impetuous journey ( Мой младший брат )
  • 1964: The Living and the Dead ( Живые и мёртвые )
  • 1964: Heroes of the Cheka (Сотрудник ЧК)
  • 1966: be careful, car thief! ( Берегись автомобиля )
  • 1966–1967: War and Peace ( Война и мир )
  • 1967: Again about love (Ещё раз про любовь)
  • 1968: Encounter with tenderness ( Три тополя на Плющихе )
  • 1969: The Wizard's Secret ( Король-олень )
  • 1970: Light, my star, shine ( Гори, гори, моя звезда )
  • 1970: The Escape (Бег)
  • 1971: All royal armies (Вся королевская рать)
  • 1971: The event with a Polish woman (Случай с Полыниным)
  • 1972: Nurkin's Life (Нюркина жизнь)
  • 1973: Good afternoon and goodbye (Здравствуй и прощай)
  • 1974: Moscow, my love ( Москва, любовь моя )
  • 1976: The days of the surgeon Mishkin (Дни хирурга Мишкина)
  • 1977: The interrogation
  • 1979: The open book (Открытая книга)
  • 1978: If I were a giant ' ( Когда я стану великаном )
  • 1981: A father and his three sons (Было у отца три сына)
  • 1981: One day after twenty years (Однажды двадцать лет спустя)
  • 1982: Chauffeur for a trip (Шофёр на один рейс)
  • 1983: The Scapegoat ( Инспектор ГАИ )
  • 1984: A strange woman and the man under the bed (Чужая жена и муж под кроватью)
  • 1985: Stay , oh magic ... ( Продлись, продлись, очарованье ... )
  • 1985: Battalions ask for fire support ( Батальоны просят огня )
  • 1986: Watch out, Vasilyok! (Осторожно - Василёк)
  • 1998: Essay on Victory Day ( Сочинение ко Дню Победы )

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