Oliver Plaschka

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Oliver Plaschka (* 1975 in Speyer ) is a German writer and translator .


Plaschka studied English and ethnology in Heidelberg and graduated in 2009 with a doctorate on pastoral motifs in fantastic literature. He worked as a lecturer at the University of Heidelberg . Since 2013 he has also been writing for Perry Rhodan Neo . In 2015 he was a guest at the Erlangen Poetics College.


Translations (selection)


  • 2008 Deutscher Phantastik Preis : Best German-language debut novel for Fairwater
  • 2014 German Fantastic Prize: Shortlist nomination for The Light Behind the Clouds
  • 2014 Fantastic Literature Prize Seraph : Shortlist nomination for The Light Behind the Clouds
  • 2016 Deutscher Phantastik Preis: best German-language short story for Das öde Land
  • 2017 Golden Homer in the Historical Biography category for Marco Polo: To the End of the World

Individual evidence

  1. Oliver Plaschka: Lost Arcadia: The Pastoral Motif in English and American Fantastic Literature - HP Lovecraft, James Branch Cabell, Mervyn Peake, William Gibson. Retrieved December 12, 2016 .
  2. Oliver Plaschka - Perrypedia. In: www.perrypedia.proc.org. Retrieved December 12, 2016 .
  3. Erlanger Poetik-Kolleg: Home. In: poetik-kolleg.phil.uni-erlangen.de. Retrieved December 12, 2016 .
  4. German Fantastic Prize. Retrieved June 7, 2019 .
  5. The 2014 winners | German Fantastic Prize. April 22, 2016, accessed June 7, 2019 .
  6. phantastische-akademie.de
  7. The 2016 winners | German Fantastic Prize. August 31, 2017, accessed June 7, 2019 .
  8. The HOMER Gala 2017. February 26, 2018, accessed on June 7, 2019 .

Web links