Olivier de la Marche

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Olivier de la Marche

Olivier de la Marche (* around 1425 in Burgundy , † 1502 in Brussels ) was a writer from Burgundy and general mint master of Geldern .


La Marche came from a noble family that had long been in the service of the Dukes of Burgundy . La Marche became a page at the court of Duke Philip III. of the Good of Burgundy and faithfully served his son and successor, Duke Charles the Bold , as secretary and envoy. After he fell in Nancy in 1477 (where La Marche was also taken prisoner of war), he served Karl's daughter Maria of Burgundy and her husband, the Archduke and later Emperor Maximilian I of Habsburg ; In 1480 he was entrusted with the education of Philip the Fair .


La Marche wrote poems of praise for its patrons, an account of their rule and a description of the Order of the Golden Fleece . Most important are his "Mémoires" from 1435 to 1488; they are still an important source of Burgundian history today, even if they never reached the critical level of La Marche's contemporary Philippe de Commynes . Le chevalier délibéré is a prince's mirror in 2704 verses, dedicated to Franz Phoebus (1466–1483), King of Navarre and nephew of the French King Louis XI.

  • De la puissance de nature et comment les corps célestiaux governent naturellement le monde.
  • Estat de la maison du duc de Bourgogne , 1474.
  • Traité de la Manière de célébrer la noble fête de la Toison d'or.
  • The Source d'Honneur pour maintenir the corporelle élégance des dames.
  • Traité et Avis de quelques gentilhommes sur les duels et gages de bataille.
  • Le chevalier délibéré (1483). on-line
  • Le Parement et le Triomphe des Dames d'Honneur (1501).
  • Mémoires de Messire Olivier de La Marche .

Web links

Commons : Olivier de La Marche  - Collection of images, videos and audio files


  • Mémoires d'Olivier de la Marche, maître d'hôtel et capitaine des gardes de Charles de Téméraire, ed. by Henri Beaune and Jules D'Arbaumont, 4 vols., Paris 1883–1888.
  • Henri Stein, Olivier de la Marche, historien, poète et diplomate bourguignon, Brussels / Paris 1888. online
  • Michael Zingel: France, the empire and Burgundy in the judgment of Burgundian historiography of the 15th century (lectures and research, special volume 40) Sigmaringen 1995, ISBN 3-7995-6700-3 , pp. 195–222.
  • Françoise Vielliard: La Marche, Olivier de . In: Lexicon of the Middle Ages (LexMA). Volume 5, Artemis & Winkler, Munich / Zurich 1991, ISBN 3-7608-8905-0 , Sp. 1622 f.
  • Catherine Emerson, Olivier de La Marche and the Rhetoric of Fifteenth-Century Historiography, Woodbridge 2004.
  • Eef Overgaauw: Two French prince mirrors . Library magazine of the Berlin and Munich State Libraries, 39th edition, October 2018.