Orbis academicus

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The Orbis academicus is a problem history encyclopedia of the sciences in documents and representations. After the end of National Socialist rule , the idea and conception grew out of the endeavor to test traditions for their durability, to take an intellectual inventory in order to find new starting points for scientific work from historical reflection.

The encyclopedia published by Verlag Karl Alber , Freiburg / Munich was published by Fritz Wagner , who opened it in 1951 with his volume History . In the foreword he commented on his project: “In our volumes, the burdensome mass of matter is to be transformed into living questions and thus subjected to the touch of the creative spirit. It is our endeavor to follow this process in the individual scientific disciplines through the course of the centuries and the mirror of the fate of nations and individual lives. "

The editor was assisted by a staff committee that initially included Wilhelm Britzelmayr, Robert Scherer, Hans Schimank , Gottlieb Söhngen , Hans Thieme and Emil Ungerer , to which August Buck , Clausdieter Schott , Elisabeth Ströker and Meinolf Wewel later joined.

The "Orbis academicus" encyclopedia is divided into a humanities, a natural science, and a philosophical and theological section. There are also two special series, one on the “History of Political Ideas” (5 volumes) and one on the “History of Nature Conservation, Landscape Management and Human Ecology” (5 volumes); in addition, six more specific historical works in 8 special volumes.

A total of 49 works in 59 volumes appeared in the "Orbis academicus" between 1950 and 1987. An encyclopedia covering all sciences could not be realized. There were gaps, but: "It is not so important for the collection to examine all actually existing individual disciplines in terms of problem history, but to do it with exemplary individual sciences."

Single volumes

Humanities Department:

History (Fritz Wagner) 1951, 2nd edition 1966 - Classical history ( Max Wegner ) 1951 - Sociology: history of its problems ( Helmut Schoeck ) 1952, 2nd edition 1964 - Music ( Hermann Pfrogner ) 1954 - International law ( Ernst Reibstein ). Vol. 1: 1958, Vol. 2: 1963 - Linguistics ( Hans Arens ) 1955, 2nd edition 1969 - Research history of mythology ( Jan de Vries ) 1961 - De homine ( Michael Landmann ) 1962 - Pedagogy . 3 vols. ( Theodor Ballauff and Klaus Schaller ) 1969–1972 - The room . 2 vols. ( Alexander Gosztonyi ) 1976 - Art experience and art history . 3 vols. ( Heinrich Lützeler ) 1975 - Humanism ( August Buck ) 1987 - Eternal Peace: Peace Calls and Peace Plans since the Renaissance ( Kurt von Raumer ), 1953 - Political Science ( Carl Joachim Friedrich ) 1961

Natural Science Department:

Astronomy ( Ernst Zinner ) 1951 - Hereditary Science ( Alfred Barthelmeß ) 1951 - Evolution ( Walter Zimmermann ) 1953 - Medicine ( Werner Leibbrand ) 1953 - Technology ( Friedrich Klemm ) 1954 - Fundamentals of mathematics in historical representation ( Oskar Becker ) 1954, 2nd ed 1964 - Physics ( Heinrich Lange ). Volume I: 1954, Volume II: 1961 - Biology from Antiquity to Romanticism ( Theodor Ballauff ) 1954 - Weather science , weather research ( Karl Schneider-Carius ) 1954 - Atom yesterday and today ( AGM van Melsen ) 1957 - Geology and paleontology in texts and their history ( Helmut Hölder ) 1960 - Der Wahnsinn (Werner Leibbrand and Annemarie Wettley ) 1961 - Biology in the last decades (Emil Ungerer) 1965 - Physiology ( Karl Eduard Rothschuh ) 1968 - Geography ( Hanno Beck ) 1973

History of political ideas in documents and representations:

Criticism and crisis . A contribution to the pathogenesis of the bourgeois world ( Reinhart Koselleck ) 1959 - England and Frederick Prussia 1740 - 1763: A contribution to the relationship between politics and public opinion in England in the 18th century ( Manfred Schlenke ) 1963 - The propertyless: The German pauperism and the emancipation crisis in representations and interpretations of contemporary literature ( Carl Jantke , Dietrich Hilger ) 1965 - Freedom and Democracy in France: The Discussion from the Restoration to the Resistance ( Rudolf von Albertini ) 1957 - The problem of preventive war in the European state system with a special focus on the Bismarck period ( Karl-Ernst Jeismann ) 1957 - The problem of political opposition: Development and nature of English two-party politics in the 18th century ( Kurt Kluxen ) 1956

Philosophical and theological series:

The Eastern Church in the Light of Protestant Historiography from the Reformation to the Present ( Ernst Benz ) 1952 - Formal Logic ( Joseph Maria Bocheński ) 1956, 6th edition 2002 - The New Testament ( Werner Georg Kümmel ) 1958, 2nd edition 1970 - Rome and the Patriarchates of the East ( Wilhelm de Vries ) 1963 - History of Church Historiography . 2 vols. ( Peter Meinhold ) 1967

As a special series appeared:

the problem history of nature conservation, landscape management and human ecology published by Alfred Barthelmeß . Vol. 1: Forest. Human environment (Alfred Barthelmeß) 1972. - Vol. 2: Wild. Living environment (Dietrich Stahl) 1979. - Vol. 3: Birds - Living environment (Alfred Barthelmeß) 1981. - Vol. 4: Water. The element of life and the environment (Leopold and Roma Schua) 1981. - Vol. 5: Landscape: The human habitat (Alfred Barthelmeß) 1988

Published as special volumes u. a .:

Popular sovereignty and freedom rights (Ernst Reibstein). 2 vols. 1972 - Forms of Eros: The cultural and intellectual history of love (Werner Leibbrand, Annemarie Leibbrand-Wettley). 2 vol. 1972 - Historical awareness in natural science from the Enlightenment to Positivism ( Dietrich von Engelhardt ) 1979 - Topology of Metaphysics ( Herbert Boeder ) 1980 - The harmony of the spheres: the history of the idea of ​​harmonizing with the world and attuning the soul ( Hans Schavernoch ) 1981 - Artistic beauty: its origins in the Italian Renaissance ( Wilhelm Perpeet ) 1987