Otto Girndt (pharmacologist)

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Otto Girndt (born August 31, 1895 in Idstein , † April 30, 1948 in Erfurt ) was a German physician and pharmacologist.


Girndt's parents are senior teacher Martin Girndt and his wife Anna geb. Juntke.

Otto Girndt passed his school leaving examination in Magdeburg in 1914 and then studied medicine at the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen . On November 2, 1914, he became a fox in the Corps Rhenania Tübingen . He registered as a war volunteer in 1915 and took part in World War I until 1918 , most recently as a lieutenant. On March 28, 1919 he was reciprocated at Rhenania . In April / May 1919 he participated in the Tübingen student company in the liberation of Augsburg and Munich from the Munich Soviet Republic . After five games , he was inactivated on October 24, 1919 . He switched to the Friedrich Wilhelms University in Berlin and returned to Tübingen. After passing the state examination in 1921, he was promoted to Dr. med. PhD. After two years at the University of Utrecht , he returned to Tübingen in 1926. After eight years at the pharmacological institute of the new Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main , he was appointed associate professor in 1934. Girndt and Walther Laubender had completed their habilitation in Frankfurt under Werner Lipschitz . Still, they denounced him. In the same year Girndt followed the call of the Medical Academy Düsseldorf to her chair for pharmacology . In World War II Girndt was to Jena evacuated . There he headed a medical institute. During the war he fell ill with tuberculosis of the throat. He succumbed to her after a long period of sickness at the age of 52. As a supporter of National Socialism , he was removed from his Düsseldorf office in 1945. At the conference of the German Pharmacological Society in 1949 in Düsseldorf, Otto Riesser gave a commemorative speech in honor of Girndt. In 1943 Otto Girndt was elected a member of the Leopoldina in the Pathology Section .


Munich thanks to the Tübingen student company

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Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 128/694
  2. Dissertation: The effect of hydrogen sulfide on frogs with special consideration of the different types of convulsions that occur depending on the species of frog .
  3. a b DNB
  4. Otto Girndt from Neukölln , in: Gösta Dahmen, Rainer Assmann : Die Tübinger Rhenanen , p. 157
  5. Archive for Experimental Pathology and Pharmacology 208 (1949), p. 56