Otto Wagner junior

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Otto Wagner junior (born August 28, 1864 in Vienna , † August 28, 1945 in Pfarrkirchen , Bavaria ) was an Austrian architect.


Born Otto Emmerich Rudolf Paupie , son of the well-known architect Otto Wagner (1841-1918) and Sofie Anna Paupie (1840-1912), Otto Wagner junior was legitimized by his father at the age of 18.

Despite personal conflicts with him, he followed the professional example of his father, even if he could not follow up on his great successes. He studied at the Technical University of Vienna and worked temporarily in his father's office. According to the architectural encyclopedia of the Architekturzentrum Wien , Wagner sen. his son as successor and entrusted him with the continuation of his studio in his will; However, the son closed the studio due to the generally very difficult economic situation after the First World War. Wagner jun. worked in Vienna and Berlin from 1895–1920, primarily in Graz from 1920–1927 (until its bankruptcy, director of a housing welfare association), then again mainly in Vienna and Germany, without receiving major orders. Towards the end of the Second World War he fled from Vienna to Bavaria, where he died at the age of 81.

Otto Wagner junior married Paula Aloisia Schmeidler (1873–1953) in 1898, but the marriage was later separated. The two had a daughter, Paula Wagner (1899–1974), who married the renowned Viennese art historian Ludwig Baldass .


photo   Construction year Surname Location description
Upload file 1899 villa
Vienna 12, Kaulbachstraße 20
Wagner jun. 1899 designed a villa in the 12th district , district part Hetzendorf , Kaulbachstraße 20. The road was until 1920, presumably after Archduchess Marie Valerie of Austria , daughter of Emperor Franz Joseph I. , Valeriecottage called; the house was later rebuilt.
Note: formerly Valerie Cottage, converted
Interior design Hotel Bristol Warsaw
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1900 Interior design Hotel Bristol Warsaw Wikidata
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Villa Schmeidler
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1901 Villa Schmeidler
BDA-ID:  41591 Wikidata
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Vienna 13, Schlossberggasse 14
The building of the listed Villa Schmeidler in the Hacking district of the 13th district in 1901 goes back to his marriage to Paula Aloisia Schmeidler in 1898. The early secessionist villa at 14 Schlossberggasse is clearly influenced by the example of the Scottish architect Charles Rennie Mackintosh .
Rental house Upload file 1902 Rental house
Vienna 4, Alois-Drasche-Park 9 / Radeckgasse 1–3
The execution of the two objects directly at the park was entrusted to Wagner jun. Carl Holzmann , who designed and built houses Alois-Drasche-Park 6 and 7 for another client. Otto Wagner junior's largest project was four houses in the south-eastern part of the redevelopment of Alois-Drasche-Park in Vienna's 4th district with multi-storey bourgeois rental houses; he was the owner and designer of the objects for all four parcels. The area had been parceled out shortly before 1900; In 1898 the Alois-Drasche-Platz was officially named, and in 1899 the name was changed to Park. The city administration decided - a peculiarity for Vienna - not to provide any lanes between the houses to be built directly on the park and the green area, to interrupt the alleys crossing the park and to keep the park completely free of traffic. The delivery to these houses must (have) therefore take place via their second wing, which is located on passable streets.
Rental house Upload file 1902 Rental house
Vienna 4, Alois-Drasche-Park 8 / Schelleingasse 46
The execution of the two objects directly at the park was entrusted to Wagner jun. Carl Holzmann , who designed and built houses Alois-Drasche-Park 6 and 7 for another client.
Rental house Upload file 1902-1904 Rental house
Vienna 4, Schelleingasse 42 / Johann Strauss-Gasse 42
Karl Riess carried out the buildings on Schelleingasse on behalf of the client.
Rental house Upload file 1902-1904 Rental house
Vienna 4, Schelleingasse 44
Karl Riess carried out the buildings on Schelleingasse on behalf of the client.
BW Upload file 1904-1905 Rental house
Vienna 19, Glatzgasse 9 / Lichtenwerderplatz

Web links

Commons : Otto Wagner junior  - collection of images, videos and audio files