Ottokar IV. (Styria)

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Ottokar IV.

Ottokar IV. (Also Otakar , * 1163 ; † May 8, 1192 ) was Margrave from 1164 and Duke of Styria from 1180 . He came from the Traungau family , his parents were Margrave Ottokar III. († 1164) and Kunigunde von Vohburg († 1184).

Since Ottokar was only one year old when his father died, his mother Kunigunde ran the official business in the tried and tested manner like her mother-in-law Sophie until he came of age in 1180. In 1180, after the fall of Henry the Lion , Styria was separated from Bavaria as an independent duchy and Ottokar was appointed Duke by his uncle, his mother's brother-in-law, Emperor Friedrich Barbarossa .

He founded the city of Fürstenfeld between 1170 and 1183 .

An unknown tragic circumstance added that the young Ottokar fell ill with leprosy and therefore had no offspring to expect. On August 17, 1186, he met on the Georgenberg in Enns with the Babenberg Duke Leopold V of Austria to conclude a contract of inheritance ( Georgenberger Handfeste ), which was approved by Emperor Friedrich Barbarossa. The first named Duke of Styria, Ottokar IV. Died childless in May 1192 as the last Traungauer.


Web links

Commons : Ottokar IV.  - Collection of images, videos and audio files
predecessor Office successor
Ottokar III. Margrave of Styria
from 1180 Duke
Leopold V.