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coat of arms Austria map
Fürstenfeld coat of arms
Fürstenfeld (Austria)
Basic data
Country: Austria
State : Styria
Political District : Hartberg-Fürstenfeld
License plate : HF (from 1.7.2013; old: FF)
Surface: 50.42 km²
Coordinates : 47 ° 3 '  N , 16 ° 5'  E Coordinates: 47 ° 3 '0 "  N , 16 ° 5' 0"  E
Height : 276  m above sea level A.
Residents : 8,639 (Jan 1, 2020)
Postcodes : 8280, 8362 Übersbach, Germany
Area code : 03382, 03387 Übersbach
Community code : 6 22 67
Address of the
municipal administration:
Augustinerplatz 1
8280 Fürstenfeld
Website: www.fuerstenfeld.at
Mayor : Franz Jost ( ÖVP )
Municipal Council : (2020)
(25 members)
14th 4th 4th 
A total of 25 seats
Location of Fürstenfeld in the Hartberg-Fürstenfeld district
Bad Blumau Bad Loipersdorf Bad Waltersdorf Buch-St. Magdalena Burgau Dechantskirchen Ebersdorf Feistritztal Friedberg Fürstenfeld Grafendorf bei Hartberg Greinbach Großsteinbach Großwilfersdorf Hartberg Hartberg Umgebung Hartl Ilz Kaindorf Lafnitz Neudau Ottendorf an der Rittschein Pinggau Pöllau Pöllauberg Rohr bei Hartberg Rohrbach an der Lafnitz Sankt Jakob im Walde Sankt Johann in der Haide Sankt Lorenzen am Wechsel Schäffern Söchau Stubenberg Vorau Waldbach-Mönichwald Wenigzell SteiermarkLocation of the municipality of Fürstenfeld in the Hartberg-Fürstenfeld district (clickable map)
About this picture
Template: Infobox municipality in Austria / maintenance / site plan image map
Source: Municipal data from Statistics Austria


Fürstenfeld (Hungarian: Fölöstöm ) is a town with 8,639 inhabitants (as of January 1, 2020) in south-eastern Styria in the political district of Hartberg-Fürstenfeld . It is also called the thermal capital , as the central location of the Thermenland Styria region . Until the end of 2012, Fürstenfeld was the capital of the Fürstenfeld district .

As part of the Styrian municipal structural reform , the municipalities of Altenmarkt and Übersbach were incorporated in 2015 . The basis for this is the Styrian Municipal Structural Reform Act - StGsrG.


Geographical location

Schematic section through Fürstenfeld: West – Center – North

Fürstenfeld is located near the border with Burgenland on the lower reaches of the Feistritz . The urban area is between 255 and 300  m above sea level. A. The main part of the city lies on a valley step or terrace approx. 20 m above the actual valley floor (see adjacent graphic).

After Feldbach , Fürstenfeld is the second largest town in south-eastern Styria, the next much larger towns Graz and the Hungarian Szombathely (Steinamanger) are almost 60 km away, which results in a catchment area that is comparatively large for the size of the town for Fürstenfeld's economy and school system.

Community structure

The municipality includes the following eight localities or cadastral communities of the same name (residents as of January 1, 2020; area: as of January 1, 2015):

  • Altenmarkt near Fürstenfeld (625 inhabitants; 1,239.75 ha)
  • Ebersdorf (51 inhabitants; 208.92 ha)
  • Fürstenfeld (6415 Ew .; 1,525.02 ha)
    • Inner City (588, (population in brackets as of January 1, 2019))
    • Ledergasse (206)
    • Graz suburb (1480)
    • Hungarian suburb (2466)
    • Mid-widths
    • Mill widths
    • Judgment Mountains (the latter three together 1681)
  • Hartl near Fürstenfeld (216 Ew .; 316.59 ha)
  • Rittschein (170 Ew .; 365.50 ha)
  • Speltenbach (144 Ew .; 313.18 ha)
  • Stadtbergen (328 Ew .; 447.05 ha)
  • Übersbach (690 inhabitants; 625.09 ha)

The inner city includes the historic old town, which forms the centuries-old core of Fürstenfeld. The main street runs through it, where numerous bars and coffee houses can be found. At the end of this street , originally called Marktstrasse , is the 100 × 100 meter main square. It is also bordered by shops and restaurants. Two of the three churches in Fürstenfeld, namely the Augustinian Church and the City Parish Church, are also in the city center.

The Ledergasse district has lost much of its original appearance and no longer has much to offer in terms of history. It is the modern face of Fürstenfeld and the number of buildings is constantly increasing. Several shopping centers and other facilities, such as a McDonald’s branch, an Italian restaurant and a few car dealers, were built on its land since 2000 . In the north is the small airfield, which also makes Fürstenfeld accessible by air. In the future, the Fürstenfeld expressway , which is under construction, will run even further north , including the entrance and exit for Fürstenfeld, through the Ledergasse district.

The Grazer Vorstadt lies west of the city center and is separated from it by the Grazer Tor or the town hall, which was closed in the event of an attack and thus protected the city center. The Grazer Platz is the heart of this district, on which, among other things, a Billa -Filiale, a Chinese restaurant and several other facilities such as a solarium, Gasthof Fasch or funeral Eden located. In the middle is the Fürstenfeld Grazer Platz bus station , which on weekdays sometimes offers 15-minute intervals to the state capital Graz . The armory of the Fürstenfeld fire brigade and the Catholic cemetery were also built in the Graz suburb.

The Ungar Vorstadt is located southeast of the city center and was originally separated from it by the Ungar Tor . This could also be closed in the event of an attack. In the 20th century, however, it was demolished and replaced by two glass pillars, which are supposed to mark the former position of the mighty gate. This district houses some educational institutions, such as a BG / BRG, an HTBLA, a HAK and the ZIS-FF University of Fürstenfeld. The latter was built on the central Schillerplatz. This is also characterized by a bus station. Fürstenfeld train station is located on the southern edge of the Ungar suburb .

Neighboring communities

The directly adjacent neighboring communities are in the east of Rudersdorf in Burgenland and in the south-east of Bad Loipersdorf and Unterlamm . In the west the community borders on Söchau and Großwilfersdorf , in the north on Bad Blumau .


The location on the terrace level causes a transitional climate between the climate of the continental valley floors and the thermally favorable Riedelland . The climate around Fürstenfeld is considered to be warm in summer, moderately cold in winter and weakly continental . The average annual precipitation is 800 mm.

Average monthly temperatures and precipitation for Fürstenfeld
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Max. Temperature ( ° C ) 3.0 6.1 11.1 16.4 21.3 24.2 26.5 26.1 21.3 15.7 8.5 3.3 O 15.3
Min. Temperature (° C) -4.8 -3.8 0.0 4.3 9.0 12.3 13.8 13.5 9.7 5.4 1.0 -3.1 O 4.8
Temperature (° C) -1.8 0.0 4.5 9.5 14.6 17.8 19.7 18.9 14.3 9.2 3.7 -0.7 O 9.2
Precipitation ( mm ) 26th 26th 40 44 76 103 94 98 78 58 51 43 Σ 737
Humidity ( % ) 73.2 59.9 53.6 48.9 51.7 52.6 49.1 51.5 56.7 62.5 72.0 76.8 O 59.1
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
  Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec


View of Fürstenfeld around 1830, Lith. Institution JF Kaiser, Graz
The castle of the Order of Malta around 1830, later a tobacco factory
Historic postcard from Fürstenfeld from 1905
The Grazer Tor, once part of the city fortifications
The cath. Fürstenfeld parish church
The nave of the St. John the Baptist Church
The Fürstenfeld Hermit Augustinian Church
The Protestant Heilandskirche Fürstenfeld
The old town hall of Fürstenfeld, today a music school

The settlement of the area around Fürstenfeld goes back to the Neolithic Age, which was marked by the beginnings of agriculture and cattle breeding. In the Urnfield period, numerous fortified hill settlements emerged, and finds of ceramics and tools indicate extensive trade between the inhabitants.

Ceramics and tools were found from the Bronze and Urnfield Ages. There are numerous archaeological finds from Roman times.

Since the end of the 6th century AD, Slavs settled along the ancient Roman roads and rivers. From the 8th century Bavarian settlement took place . In the 9th and 10th centuries there was a decline in the number of Hungarian invasions.

To secure the resettlement of the Roman-German King Heinrich III. (from 1046 Roman-German emperor) in the years 1042-1044 recaptured border area on the Leitha and Lafnitz, the Lower Austrian and Styrian princes built an extensive belt of castles on the Hungarian border in the 12th century.

Around 1170 such a princely castle was founded by Margrave Ottokar IV of Traungau on the site of today's Fürstenfeld.

One house after another was built along today's main street, so that there was a street market in 1178. This year was celebrated on August 27, 1978 in the 800th anniversary of Fürstenfeld. The name Fürstenfeld goes back to the fact that the area remained sovereign property even after the settlement, which is also reflected in the Fürstenfeld coat of arms. The name is mentioned for the first time since 1183 in documents and archives.

Around 1200 the Order of St. John founded a branch in Fürstenfeld. The Johanniter founded a knightly commander and built the first church. From 1215 to 1220 the market was opened by the Babenberg Duke Leopold VI. expanded to the city as planned. In 1232 Fürstenfeld was given the nickname Forum et Civitas (market and city). In the same year the Johanniter acquired the parish rights for the parish church.

Fürstenfeld's town charter was confirmed in 1277 by Rudolf von Habsburg .

In 1362, Duke Rudolf IV allowed the Augustinian hermits to settle in the city. They built the Augustinian Church and the Augustinian Monastery in the years 1365–1368. As a result, Fürstenfeld developed into an important border and trading town.

As a border town to the east, Fürstenfeld was repeatedly involved in fighting.

In 1418 the city was devastated during the Hungarian invasion. In order to promote the reconstruction, the citizens of Fürstenfeld received the additional privilege of selling cider and wine from Duke Ernst .

In 1469, Fürstenfeld was involved in the uprising of the noble Andreas Baumkircher against Emperor Friedrich III. involved. The aristocratic union under Baumkircher and Johann von Stubenberg occupied Hartberg , Fürstenfeld, Feldbach , Marburg , Windischfeistritz, Gonobitz and Wildon Castle . Fürstenfeld was captured by treason on February 2, 1469. On July 21, 1469, at the battle of Fürstenfeld at the gates of the city, the troops of Baumkircher and Emperor Friedrich III., At which Baumkircher inflicted a heavy defeat on the imperial troops. The town and citizens of Fürstenfeld were badly affected by the fighting, many houses were in ruins and there were epidemics in addition to the wounded.

On May 26, 1480, the city was stormed by the Hungarian king Matthias Corvinus and held for 11 years. During this time, 500 Fürstenfeld citizens were abducted into Hungarian captivity in Ofen . The city was burned down except for the Augustinian monastery and a few adjacent houses. The construction work was thrown back several times by three fires in 1503, 1504 and 1509. An official report from 1543 says that at that time almost all houses were deserted.

In the Middle Ages, the core of the city was a defense system with a rectangular floor plan, which on the banks of the Feistritz with its six towers could control the five river valleys of the Feistritz , Lafnitz , Safen , Ilz and Rittschein . The fortification was renewed in 1533, parts of it (Ungarbastei, Pfeilburg, Mühlbastei, Klosterbastei, Schlossbastei) are still preserved today.

In modern times, between 1556 and 1581, an expansion took place according to the plans of the Italian builder Domenico dell'Allio , in which the almost rectangular cityscape was preserved. The diversity of the fortifications supports the hypothesis that the city was expanded in two stages.

In 1605 the Hajduks occupied and sacked the city ​​and burned 92 houses, and the church was also destroyed. Because of the Turkish threat , the fortifications were reinforced in 1664. During the victorious battle against the Turks near Mogersdorf , Fürstenfeld was a reception camp and hospital town.

The region was ravaged by the plague from 1679 to 1681 .

In 1691 Christoph Liscutin began growing tobacco in Hungary and around Fürstenfeld and founded Austria's first tobacco factory in the Pfeilburg in 1693 - one of the oldest in the world.

In 1704 the Kuruzen under Alexander Károlyi besieged the city, a relief army of 3,000 Croats came to Fürstenfeld's aid to drive out the besiegers. The Kuruc remained a threat in the following years until the Peace of Szathmár in 1711.

In 1772 the church was rebuilt.

In 1809 the French occupied the city after a brief battle.

In the years 1815-1848 there was an economic upswing, the number of inhabitants rose from 1600 to 3000 during this time.

The individual districts, such as the inner city, in which the patrician citizens lived, the Ledergasse, which was already settled in the 15th century, the Grazer Vorstadt, whose expansion began in the 16th century, the Hungarian suburb, Mitterbreiten, Mühlbreiten and Rechtsbergen always introduced a certain life of its own, which can still be seen today in certain associations or traditions. The Ledergasse even had its own judge until the 18th century.

Meyers Konversations-Lexikon from 1888 describes the city as follows: City in Austria. Duchy of Styria, District Authority Feldbach, on the Feistritz and the local railway Fehring-F., Located near the Hungarian border, seat of a district court, has an Order of Malta, a large Aryan tobacco factory (with 2000 workers), hop growing, hop trade and (1880) 3878 inhabitants .

Between 1850 and 1900 the population grew only slowly from 3500 to about 4000 inhabitants. In the 19th and 20th centuries, however, Fürstenfeld expanded in all directions beyond the original urban area, despite the low growth rates of the population.

In the 1920s and 1930s the city became a center of the Austrian branch of the NSDAP .

Towards the end of the Second World War , the city suffered artillery fire and an air raid by Soviet low-flying planes on April 11, 1945. On April 15, 1945, Fürstenfeld was captured by the Soviet troops . A planned evacuation of the population could not take place due to lack of fuel in the 5th SS Panzer Division "Wiking" . 14- and 15-year-old Hitler Youth took up the fight against the advancing Soviet troops. 66 civilians were killed. The Catholic Church, the Coming House, the town hall and numerous other buildings were badly damaged. In a defensive battle, the German Wehrmacht shot the onion dome of the parish church in order to gain a strategic advantage. The church was restored in 1948. The onion dome was not rebuilt until 1988.

After the Second World War, the town of Fürstenfeld was first occupied by the Soviets, but soon afterwards by the British, as the zone border was moved to the state border between Styria and Burgenland.

In 1950 the population reached 6,500 and only temporarily exceeded 7,000. In 2015, as part of the Styrian community and structural reform, Fürstenfeld was merged with the neighboring communities of Altenmarkt and Übersbach. The community area tripled as a result, the population grew to approx. 8,400. In addition, the districts of Fürstenfeld and Hartberg were combined to form today's Hartberg-Fürstenfeld district ; the common district capital is Hartberg .

Population development

Population development of Fürstenfeld from 1869 to 2016

Culture and sights

Fürstenfelder Pfeilburg with the city and contemporary history museum, 1st tobacco factory in Austria
  • City parish church: A church was built on the same site as early as 1170. After the church was badly devastated when the Hajduken invaded in 1605, today's church construction goes back to a rococo-style renovation from 1773 to 1779. A second tower was demolished, the church was widened and four oratorios were installed. In 1988 the onion dome was renewed. In 2009 the parish church received a new organ from the workshop of Thomas Jann (D), which was consecrated by Diocesan Bishop Egon Kapellari .
  • Augustinian Hermit Church : built 1365–1368 as an ornate church of mendicants. In 1964 the building in danger of collapse was extensively renovated. The church as such has been in existence for several years and there is a museum in it.
  • Evangelical Parish Church (Heilandskirche): built 1908–1910 by Otto Kuhlmann in secession style
  • Pfeilburg with residential tower as the oldest part from the 13th century, in 1693 Austria's first tobacco factory. Today Museum Pfeilburg : Museum of Prehistory and Early and Contemporary History, City Museum and Tobacco Museum
  • Hungarian bastion: After several Turkish attacks on the city, in 1577 the fortifications began to be strengthened. In place of the medieval city towers at the corners of the city wall, protruding bastions were built. Due to financial and structural problems, the much more extensive planned fortress extension was completed in 1581 according to simpler plans. The fortification was abandoned in 1775 and renovated in 1990.
  • In August 2020 the 7th Artistic Water Biennale by Günter Pedrotti will take place.


In Fürstenfeld there are around 30 different sports clubs, which cover , among other things, ball sports , martial arts , water sports , gymnastics , weight training and skiing .

  • The most famous sports club in Fürstenfeld is the basketball club Panthers Fürstenfeld , which plays in the Austrian Basketball League and won the first championship title in the club's 53-year history in the 2007/08 season.
  • The volleyball club VC Dragons Fürstenfeld plays with the men's team in the first Styrian regional league, one of the third-highest leagues in Austria.
  • The American football club Atlas Raptors Fürstenfeld plays in the 3rd division across Austria in 2013.
  • The football club SK Fürstenfeld currently plays in the national league .

Economy and Infrastructure

The castle on the stone
  • Tobacco processing is an important part of Fürstenfeld's history and has taken place since at least 1691. In 1734, processing was taken over by the city and state. In 1776 Austria's first tobacco factory was set up in the former princely castle Schloss am Stein . For a long time the k. k. Tabakwerke (later Tobacco Director, then Austria-Tabakwerke ) an important employer for up to 2200 employees in 1901. The oldest company fire brigade was founded here in 1813 .
At the end of 2005, the owner of the tobacco factory (the Gallaher Group ) closed the factory where cigars were last made. Cigarette tubes will continue to be produced by the Altesse company in Fürstenfeld, but in a new building in the northern industrial park. In 2015/2016 parts of the tobacco factory were demolished to make way for a medical center and apartments. What remains is an approximately 70 m long steel bridge over the cut in Feistritzgasse, which connected the production of the tobacco factory in the north-west with the warehouse (now a youth and family guest house and sports field) in the south-east.
  • The largest employer with around 800 employees (as of around 2016) was the company Secop GmbH , which operated a production site for refrigeration compressors in Fürstenfeld in the business park in the Mitterbreiten district (founded in 1982 as Verdichter Oe, 2001-2011: ACC Austria). In July 2017, the Nidec company took over the Secop factory premises, and the production of refrigeration compressors was carried out until March 2020. The plant has a rail connection.
  • In the last few decades Fürstenfeld has developed into a school and tourist town, while industrial jobs (closure of the plants in Eumig , Kapsch , Stahlcord Austria AG (later, 2003–2010: Trefil Arbed / Arcelor Mittal; steel wire for tires, saw wire for silicon wafers ), Tridonic- Zumtobel (magnetic ballast for lights up to the end of 2013), tobacco factory) are dwindling.
  • In the area of ​​the main street (with the pedestrian area Hauptplatz above the underground car park) there are around 70 individual shops, which is a very compact shopping area. In recent years, however, there has been a relocation of trading operations from the old town to the periphery on Grazer Straße.
  • On the Feistritz , electricity is generated from hydropower. The Fürstenfeld public utilities operate a total of four hydropower plants, such as the consumer mill .
  • Decometall (DCM), managed for decades by Rohtraut Skatsche-Depisch and Herbert Depisch, was a producer and dealer of ores.

Thermal region

The Loipersdorf thermal baths are located near FF , one of the first thermal baths in the thermal region of south-eastern Styria. In the 1990s, the Bad Blumau thermal baths were built, designed by the artist Friedensreich Hundertwasser (1928–2000). Fürstenfeld has become an excursion destination for the many spa guests who represent an important economic factor for local trade.

Before the rise of the thermal region, Fürstenfeld was known for its outdoor pool, which was built in 1966 - with 23,000 m² of water and 100,000 m² of sunbathing area, it is still the largest of its kind in Central Europe.

With the prospect of using hot geothermal energy from deep boreholes, district heating was set up in parts of the city around 2000 . Geothermal energy was not as productive as hoped, but heat is obtained on a small scale. November 2009, a wood chip heating plant with a capacity of 2.5  MW was built, biogas provides 0.5 MW, so that fossil natural gas is only needed for a small part of the 4 MW normal load. The district heating tariff is still linked to the natural gas price.


Fürstenfeld station was opened on October 1, 1885 as part of the Fehring – Fürstenfeld local railway
S7 - AST Fürstenfeld

Fürstenfeld is on a heavily frequented route to Hungary and is only about 15 minutes by car from the border. It is hoped that the EU will continue to benefit from this situation. Some regional and state politicians hope that the construction of the Fürstenfeld expressway S 7 will provide a faster connection to the southern motorway A 2 and the Hungarian region . However, this project is controversial because of the risk of attracting transit traffic. The municipalities of Altenmarkt, Bad Blumau and Königsdorf have spoken out in municipal council resolutions against the construction of the S 7. The Federal Administrative Court rejected the complaints against the positive environmental impact assessment in October 2016. According to Asfinag, construction should start in spring 2017.

Fürstenfeld owns an airport, the Fürstenfeld airfield , which also offers customs clearance. The nearest international airport is Graz-Thalerhof .

The station Fürstenfeld was during the local railway Fehring-Furstenfeld - today Therme railway opened on October 1, 1885 -. Fürstenfeld was thus connected to the provincial capital Graz by rail. On October 19, 1891, rail traffic was expanded by the Fürstenfeld – Hartberg local railway. It was not until 1910 that the Hartberg – Friedberg local railway (opened on October 15, 1905) and the Wechselbahn (opened on October 11, 1910) were also connected to Vienna by rail. With the Übersbach stop, which has belonged to Fürstenfeld since 2015 due to the Styrian municipal structural reform law, the city has another railway station. While the railroad used to make a significant contribution to the city's economic upswing, today it is only of secondary importance due to the car and truck traffic. There are only passenger trains every two hours to Fehring and Wiener Neustadt . Some of the trains continue to Graz or Vienna . A pair of service trains from Fehring operates three times a week in freight transport, mainly transporting timber and freight from Secop GmbH and Kohl GmbH . Otherwise, 3 to 4 freight trains pass through the station every day.

In Fürstenfeld there are three bus stations Grazerplatz , Schillerplatz and train station (bus). From Fürstenfeld train station , buses run alternately every 10 minutes to Gleisdorf , Feldbach , Graz Andreas Hofer Platz and school buses to Güssing, Heiligenkreuz, Lindegg ( Bad Blumau ) and Ilz . There are also two-hour deals to Wiener Neustadt Hauptbahnhof and Graz Hauptbahnhof via the railway . Otherwise there are eleven other important stops in Fürstenfeld: the stops Fürstenfeld Rauscherstraße, Fürstenfeld Mitterbreiten, Fürstenfeld Ledergasse, Fürstenfeld Pestkreuz, Fürstenfeld Übersbach (there is also a train stop there), Fürstenfeld Altenmarkt, Fürstenfeld Stockerstraße, Fürstenfeld Anger, Fürstenfeld Speltenbach, and Fürstenfeld Hartl settlement. Otherwise Fürstenfeld still has several small bus stops, but with only a few connections. These are more of local importance and almost exclusively connected to the center of Fürstenfeld. All of these stops are operated by ÖBB-Postbus AG and the bus company Gaber based in Fürstenfeld.

Public facilities

State hospital

Fürstenfeld is the location of a comparatively small state hospital with a surgical department, a department for internal medicine, and a department for anesthesiology and intensive care medicine. Every year around 6,400 inpatients and 10,500 outpatients are treated.


Fürstenfeld is a school town with many schools at all educational levels. In addition to elementary schools and new secondary schools, the city offers a BG / BRG , a HAK / HAS , a special education center, a polytechnic school and the Franz Schubert Music School, founded in 1907, one of the oldest and most traditional music schools in Styria. Since the school year 2008/09 there has been a relocated class of the HTBLA Weiz in Fürstenfeld with the training branch mechanical engineering and automation technology with a specialization in mechatronics.

With the establishment of a branch of the Kodolanyi Janos Comprehensive University in September 2006, Fürstenfeld is also one of six Styrian university locations.

Since autumn 2008, a university course for tourism management has been offered in Fürstenfeld as part of a cooperation with the Johannes Kepler University in Linz .



Mayor of Fürstenfeld is Franz Jost from the ÖVP . He took over the office on October 30, 2018 from his predecessor Werner Gutzwar, who had resigned after 14 years in this position for personal reasons. The city ​​council is made up of Jost, the first vice mayor Hermann Großschedl (ÖVP), the second vice mayor Johann Rath (ÖVP), financial officer Christian Sommerbauer (ÖVP) and city councilor Horst Himler (ÖVP). City Office Director is Wilhelm Göber.

Municipal council

The council consists of the merger still has 25 members and in accordance with the results of the municipal elections in Styria in 2020 as follows:

Comparison of the municipal council elections 2010 and 2015:
Political party 2015 2010
new church Fürstenfeld Altenmarkt Übersbach
be right % Mandates St. % M. St. % M. St. % M.
ÖVP 3447 71 18th 2278 66 19th 398 48 7th 635 74 12
SPÖ 0571 12 03 0559 16 04th 051 06th 1 092 11 01
FPÖ 0584 12 03 0097 03 00 not running not running
The green 0279 06th 01 0217 06th 01 not running not running
BZÖ not running 0226 07th 01 not running not running
For the right to a national future not running 0049 01 00 not running not running
List of Altenmarkter Stadtbergler Speltenbacher not running not running 310 37 6th not running
Altenmarkt citizens' list not running not running 074 09 1 not running
Independent working group Übersbach not running not running not running 131 15th 02
Eligible voters 7.177 4,971 983 1.006
voter turnout 69% 70% 85% 86%

Town twinning

coat of arms

coat of arms
City seal

Fürstenfeld's coat of arms is divided and shows, heraldically speaking, the red-white-red Austrian colors on the left, the Styrian panther on the right in silver on a green background.
Due to the amalgamation of the municipalities, the coats of arms of the merged municipalities lost their official validity on January 1st, 2015. The new municipal coat of arms was awarded with effect from February 10, 2016.
The blazon (coat of arms description) reads:

"In the split shield in front a silver, fire-breathing, black armored and horned panther rising in green, behind a silver band in red."

The oldest verifiable city seal of Fürstenfeld dates back to 1296. The inscription of the city seal currently in use reads: "SIGILLUM CIVITATIS DE FURSTEINVEL"


Sons and daughters

  • Helmut W. Flügel (1924–2017), geologist and paleontologist
  • Engelbert "Bert" Isatitsch (1911–1994) sports official
  • Gerhard Jedliczka (* 1963), Austrian karate pioneer, European champion, ÖKB sports director and national coach
  • Max Keimel (1936–2005), lawyer, teacher at the Fürstenfeld commercial school, founder of two student associations (including the Catholic Austrian student association K.Ö.St.V. Riegersburg zu Fürstenfeld in the MKV ), former field master of the Fürstenfeld scout group
  • Julius Lott (1845-1905), interlinguist
  • Karl Mader (1884–1952), Austrian painter and graphic artist
  • Franz Majcen (* 1947), politician (ÖVP), from 1991 to 2015 Member of the State Parliament of Styria, 2013 to 2015 President of the State Parliament of Styria (President of the State Parliament )
  • Norbert Mayer (* 1958), journalist, senior features editor
  • Katharina Paldauf (around 1625–1675), victim of the great Feldbach witch trial from 1673 to 1675
  • Ferdinand Prirsch (1906–1965), member of the Styrian state government and member of the National Council
  • Emmerich Schreiner (1873–1954), Austrian opera singer (baritone), director
  • Robert Strobl (* 1985), professional footballer (current SV Grödig, Austrian Bundesliga), from what is now the Rittschein part of the municipality
  • Wilhelm Taucher (1892–1962), economist, university professor and minister
  • Günter Timischl (* 1948 in Fürstenfeld); Musician, guitarist and member of STS
  • Astrid Wagner (* 1963), lawyer, defense attorney and author
  • Florian Wiefler (1908–2000), lawyer, organist and composer (songs, choral and orchestral works, chamber music, piano works)

People with a relationship to the city

Honorary citizen

  • Herbert Depisch , former entrepreneur and to 2008 Dean of the Consular Corps of Styria
  • Max J. Hiti , writer and editor of the culture magazine Campus f
  • Manfred A. Heinrich , architect, builder and entrepreneur
  • Franz Pilz († 2020), municipality and city council in Fürstenfeld
  • 1971: Franz Schragen , former mayor of Fürstenfeld
  • 2005: Dieter Raidl (1940–2019), director of the Pfeilburg Museum
  • 2019: Werner Gutzwar, Mayor of Fürstenfeld 2004–2018


A madrigal choir founded by the Fürstenfeld composer Florian Wiefler (son of the mayor of the same name) premiered the choral work Escape on Light Boats (op. 2) by Anton von Webern in 1927 .

Fürstenfeld became famous in the mid-1980s with the hit of the same name by the Austropop trio STS. It tells of the “suffering” of a Styrian musician in the city of Vienna. The line of text I wül ham noch Fürstenfeld (I want to go home to Fürstenfeld) developed into an advertising slogan that is graphically displayed as a green speech bubble above a Fürstenfeld sign.

Fürstenfeld is the seat of the Catholic Austrian student association K.Ö.St.V. Riegersburg zu Fürstenfeld , the oldest MKV connection in south-east Austria. The Fürstenfeld scout group is one of the largest active local groups in the country, and the city is also the seat of the Lilienkreis Austria, an international association for the promotion of non-partisan and non-denominational youth work.

In 2012, Fürstenfeld was awarded a silver medal in the city category as part of the European “ Entente Florale Europe ” competition.


  • Gerhard Pferschy (Ed.): Fürstenfeld. The city history. Fürstenfeld 2000.

Web links

Commons : Fürstenfeld  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. City council election 2020 - results Fürstenfeld. orf.at , accessed on August 22, 2020 .
  2. ^ Styrian municipal structural reform
  3. Section 3, Paragraph 4, Item 2 of the law of December 17, 2013 on the reorganization of the municipalities of the State of Styria ( Styrian Municipal Reform Act - StGsrG). Provincial Law Gazette for Styria of April 2, 2014. No. 31, year 2014. ZDB -ID 705127-x . P. 3.
  4. Statistics Austria: Population on January 1st, 2020 by locality (area status on January 1st, 2020) , ( CSV )
  5. cadastral communities Styria. 2015 (Excel file, 128 kB); Retrieved July 29, 2015
  6. Statistics Austria: Population on 1.1.2019 according to census district (area status 1.1.2019) , ( XLS )
  7. http://stwff.websline-cms113.com/wcms/binary/Server.dll?Article?ID=109&Session=1-APLQv8dh-2-IP Tobacco Museum - closely linked to tobacco and smoking culture, Museum Pfeilburg Fürstenfeld, website, accessed July 27, 2016.
  8. ^ Stefan Karner: Styria in the Third Reich 1938–1945 . 3. Edition. Leykam, Graz 1986, ISBN 3-7011-7302-8 , pp. 414 .
  9. http://www.museum-pfeilburg.at/
  10. ^ Fürstenfeld - Princely Castle , burgen-austria.com
  11. http://www.nidec.com/en-EU/corporate/news/2017/news0801-01/
  12. Secop stops production of compressors. In: steiermark.orf.at. October 22, 2019, accessed October 22, 2019 .
  13. http://wirtschaftsblatt.at/archiv/unternehmen/896780/index ( Memento from June 13, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Wire specialist Stahlcord comes under a new roof. wirtschaftsblatt.at, August 27, 2002, accessed June 13, 2016.
  14. http://www.oe24.at/wirtschaft/Arcelor-Mittal-in-Fuerstenfeld-sperr-zu/700243 Arcelor-Mittal in Fürstenfeld is locking. oe24.at, December 16, 2009, accessed June 13, 2016.
  15. http://derstandard.at/1371170558134/Zumtobel-schliesst-Werk-in-Fuerstenfeld Zumtobel closes factory in Fürstenfeld, derstandard.at, June 25, 2013, accessed June 13, 2016.
  16. Complaints against the construction of the S7 rejected orf.at, October 25, 2016, accessed November 7, 2016.
  17. ÖBB : Description of the operating point, Fürstenfeld station
  18. Harald Hofer: Interview: Why Werner Gutzwar is leaving as mayor of Fürstenfeld . In: www.kleinezeitung.at . August 10, 2018 ( kleinezeitung.at [accessed November 13, 2018]).
  19. 5. Announcement of the Styrian state government of January 21, 2016 on the granting of the right to use a municipal coat of arms to the municipality of Fürstenfeld (political district Hartberg-Fürstenfeld) , accessed on February 12, 2016
  20. [1]
  21. ERMI - OMA | Ambassador EU 2012 - Active Aging , accessed on January 17, 2011
  22. Parliamentary materials: Declaration by President Gottfried Jaud on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Council of Europe. Shorthand minutes of the 654th meeting, p. 42
  23. Südost-Tagespost, January 21, 1971, p. 6.
  24. ↑ https://www.mein Bezirk.at/hartberg-fuerstenfeld/c-lokales/werner-gutzwar-ist-ehrenbuerger-fuerstenfelds_a3775125 , accessed on November 30, 2019.
  25. Austrian music lexion : Wiefler, Florian
  26. Foundation. Retrieved February 25, 2016 .