Palmer place

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Palmer place
Palmer Ort, view from the east from the beach near Grabow

The Palmer place is the southernmost point of the Baltic Sea island Rügen and at the same time the peninsula Zudar belonging to Rügen . The cape belongs to the area of ​​the municipality of Garz / Rügen . The area was given to the Michael Succow Foundation in 2011 as a national natural heritage by the federal government.


The Palmer Ort marks the transition from the Greifswalder Bodden to the Strelasund . On the land side of the Palmer Ort there is a small coastal protection forest. A forest path, which is partly designed as a nature trail, Know Your World , leads through this to Palmer Ort. The closest village is the small settlement Grabow, about 1 km to the northeast . At Palmer Ort itself there is a narrow natural sandy beach, which is rarely frequented by visitors because of its remoteness. Anglers use the beach section for fishing for pike .

In winter, when there is ice at Palmer Ort, ice build-up occurs more often, which can reach a height of several meters.

Palmer place in history

In 1372, a ship with 90 pilgrims on board sank in a storm in front of Palmer Ort , who were on a pilgrimage to St. Lawrence's Church in Zudar. The belief in an image of Mary located there, which was said to have miraculous activity, disappeared after this catastrophe.

During the Pomeranian Campaign in the Great Northern War , Palmer was the scene of fighting. A landing fleet from Prussia , Denmark and Saxony made up of 500 ships headed for Palmer Ort on November 11, 1715. Sweden , to which Rügen belonged, had concentrated its armed forces in the area of ​​the Palmer village. The landing fleet was fired at from the Zudar peninsula, but without any significant losses. The fleet actually did not intend to land at the Palmer place held by Sweden with strong forces, but was initially unable to implement the actual landing plan due to unfavorable wind conditions. A few days later, a large part of the fleet set off in the fog, unnoticed by the Swedes, to the northeast and landed unmolested at Groß Stresow . One of the Prussian columns reminded of this there . Some ships had stayed in front of the Palmer place to fake a possible landing attempt.

Panorama over the Palmer Ort

Palmer Ort as namesake

1968 was buoying the People's Navy of the GDR in the name Palmer baptized. The city of Stralsund named a street as Zum Palmer Ort .


  1. Martin Holz: Rügen's unknown land , Berliner Zeitung of February 18, 2005

Web links

Commons : Palmer Place  - collection of images, videos, and audio files

Coordinates: 54 ° 13 '15.3 "  N , 13 ° 23' 35.9"  E