Paolo Anesi

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Paolo Anesi (born July 9, 1697 in Rome , † 1773 ibid) was an Italian landscape painter of the Baroque and Rococo .

Ponte Sisto in Rome by Anesi


Anesi was the son of a silk weaver from Venice and a student of Giuseppe Bartolomeo Chiari (1654–1727), Bernardino Fergioni (around 1674–1738) and Sebastiano Conca . In 1723 he married the daughter of the architect Giuseppe Santi . He worked mainly in Florence and Rome and was very successful in his time. His pictures of ruins and vedute are based on Giovanni Paolo Pannini and Andrea Locatelli . In 1761 he was involved in the fresco painting of the Villa Albani near Rome. In 1757 he became a member of the Accademia dei Virtuosi al Pantheon .

Francesco Zuccarelli is one of his students .

In addition to painting , he was also known for drawings and etchings (Varie vedute inventate et intagliate, Rome 1725, dedicated to Cardinal Imperiali).


  • Andrea Busiri Vici: Roma, trio paesistico romano del Settecento. Paolo Anesi, Paolo Monaldi, Alessio De Marchis. Rome 1976.
  • Luigi Salerno: Pittori di paesaggio del Seicento a Roma, part 3. U. Bozzi, Rome 1980.
  • Rezio Buscaroli: La pittura di paesaggio in Italia. Mareggiani, Bologna 1935.
  • Olivier Michel: Vivre et peindre à Rome au XVIIIe siècle ( Collection de l'École Française de Rome. Volume 217). Editore EFR, Rome, 1996, ISBN 2-7283-0354-1 .
  • Carla Benocci: Francesco Nicoletti e Paolo Anesi a Villa Doria Pamphilj (1748–1758). In: Elisa Debenedetti (Ed.) Carlo Marchionni. Architettura, decorazione e scenografia contemporanea ( Studi sul Settecento romano. Volume 4). Multigrafica Ed., Rome 1988, ISBN 88-7597-031-9 , pp. 209-278.
  • Anesi, Paolo . In: Ulrich Thieme , Felix Becker (Hrsg.): General Lexicon of Fine Artists from Antiquity to the Present . Founded by Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker. tape 1 : Aa – Antonio de Miraguel . Wilhelm Engelmann, Leipzig 1907, p. 490–491 ( Text Archive - Internet Archive ).
  • Anesi, Paolo . In: General Artist Lexicon . The visual artists of all times and peoples (AKL). Volume 3, Seemann, Leipzig 1990, ISBN 3-363-00116-9 , p. 721 f.

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Individual evidence

  1. Florence is sometimes also given.