Party college Vilnius

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Building of the former party college (now Vilnius Pedagogical University, 2012) in Naujamiestis

The Vilnius Party College (lit. Vilniaus aukštoji partinė mokykla ) was a CPSU party college in Vilnius , Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic , which existed from 1945 to 1990 . The seat was in the old town of Vilnius , Liudo Giros g. 39/6. In 1945 it was established as a Respublikinė partinė mokykla for the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Lithuania . In 1956 it became a party college. In 1990 the buildings were transferred to the Lithuanian University of Education .





  • Antanas Skardis: Respublikinė partinė mokykla. Tarybų Lietuvos enciklopedija . tape 3 . Vilnius 1987, p. 356 .
  • Juozas Lakis: Vilniaus aukštoji partinė mokykla. Tarybų Lietuvos enciklopedija . tape 4 . Vilnius 1988, p. 528 .