Paul Randebrock

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Paul Randebrock (born October 23, 1856 in Recklinghausen ; † July 25, 1912 in Gelsenkirchen ) was a German mining engineer and mining manager , he was chairman of the board of Gelsenkirchener Bergwerks-AG and politician for the Ruhr mining industry . He was responsible for the new construction of the Zollern colliery .


Paul Randebrock came from a Catholic family. He attended the Nepomucenum high school in Coesfeld and then studied at the Bergakademie Berlin and the University of Bonn . After completing his studies, he joined the Prussian mining administration and passed his first state examination as a mountain referendar in February 1881 , and in 1885 he was appointed mountain assessor . Among other things, he worked for the Oberbergamt Dortmund and the saltworks and bathing administration Bad Oeynhausen ; since September he has been in charge of the Gelsenkirchen mountain area.

On September 1, 1888, Randebrock resigned from the civil service and moved to Gelsenkirchener Bergwerks-AG (GBAG). He initially headed the Hansa , Zollern and Germania collieries and settled in Marten . In 1898 the construction of the Zollern II colliery began in Bövinghausen , which was built as a model colliery . In 1905 he was involved in founding the Emscher Cooperative . In January 1908 he was appointed chairman of the board (" general director ") of GBAG and held this post until his death.

In the course of his ascent he moved to Gelsenkirchen and was also politically active there. He was a city ​​councilor , a member of the Westphalian provincial parliament and active in various conservative associations such as the Gelsenkirchen Ostmarkverein. Also in 1908 Randebrock became chairman of the newly founded colliery association , one year later also chairman of the association for mining interests in the Dortmund Oberbergamts district , on whose board he had been represented since 1906. Besides Randebrock was still in numerous supervisory boards represent and associations: He was since 1908 chairman of the Westphalian Berggewerkschaftskasse of general, board member Knappschafts club, the miners' trade association and the Rhenish-Westphalian Coal Syndicate , in which he the Kokskommission board. He was represented on the supervisory boards of the Dortmund Union and the Westphalian Association of Electricity Works.


Paul Randebrock was awarded the Red Eagle Order IV class in 1907 and the Order of the Crown III in 1910 . Class awarded. In 1909 he was named a mountain ridge . A street is named after him in the Marten district of Dortmund and in the Paulusviertel in Recklinghausen.


  • The Zollern II mine of the Gelsenkirchener Bergwerks-Aktien-Gesellschaft. In: Glückauf, Berg- und Hüttenmännische Zeitschrift , 41st year 1905, No. 25, page 781ff.


Individual evidence

  1. a b Theo Horstmann: Randebrock, Paul . In: Hans Bohrmann (Ed.): Biographies of important Dortmunders. People in, from and for Dortmund . tape 2 . Klartext, Essen 1998, ISBN 3-88474-677-4 , p. 91 ff .